...control. 今天我要来到你的面前,放下自己的骄傲、张狂、惧怕、不信,来寻求你,信靠你,紧紧抓住你,Today, I come before You, laying down my pride, arrogance, fear, and unbelief, seeking You, trusting You, and holding fast to You. 当将一切的事交托在你...
...的怜悯和恩典,神仍然给扫罗机会。但是扫罗体贴肉体,惧怕人,忘了神才是真正的王,神废王立王。When God chose Saul to be king, He already knew Saul would fail; it was not a mistake. Because of God's mercy and grace, He still gave Saul a chance. However, Saul w...
...得见的世界,魔鬼遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人。彼得曾因惧怕三次不认主,经历仇敌魔鬼如何胜过他;We face spiritual warfare every day, and our lives are a battle. Two kingdoms are at war; the unseen world is dominating the visible world, and the devil is prowling...
...接考试,赶出自己里面的鬼,除去里面的贪、懒、论断、惧怕、虚荣…Thank You for using all things to refine my heart, leading me through trials, driving out the darkness within me—greed, laziness, judgment, fear, vanity. 让耶稣谦卑、顺服、舍己、爱人...
...d, their enemies, the Philistines, attacked. 急难之中,以色列人很惧怕,只能求助神忠心的仆人,乞求撒母耳为他们不住地呼求神的拯救。In the midst of crisis, the Israelites were very afraid and could only turn to God's faithful servants, imploring Samuel who kept...
...rn.扫罗不让神作王,也没有真实的悔改,继续顺从里面的惧怕、嫉妒、愤怒、仇恨,恶魔更大地来欺压他。Saul refused to let God reign and did not genuinely repent. He continued to follow his inner fears, jealousy, anger, and hatred, which allowed the evil spirit ...
...外在的好行为,不能除去内心深处的自私、贪婪、争竞、惧怕、羞耻感…罪的工价就是死。谁能救我脱离罪,脱离这取死的身体呢?Good behaviour on the outside cannot remove the selfishness, greed, competition, fear, and shame deep in t...
...体,嫉妒比较,没有祝福人的心,受肉体想法的奴役,因惧怕就要控制结局,恨人杀人,We envy the growing power of David’s house, but the Bible says that the lazy envy what others have gained. Many times, we have chosen Saul’s path, indulging in the flesh, ...
...sp;主啊,你看圣民之死极为宝贵,有你与我们同在就不再惧怕、胆怯、灰心、绝望、逃跑。Lord, precious in the sight of You is the death of Your faithful servants. With You by our side, we no longer fear, lose courage, feel disheartened, despair, or flee.信,你带...
...练我们有属灵的敏锐,加增我们的信心,倚靠神就必不至惧怕,深知神是我们的倚靠,是我们的避难所,是我们所投靠的。We don’t realise that this is Your grace coming to us, to establish our relationship with You, teaching us to call on You in times o...