...我的旧人与基督同死,因信呼求圣灵,向心里一切惧怕、忧虑、生气、恼怒的反应是死的,When circumstances arise, we must believe that our old self has died with Christ. By faith, we call upon the Holy Spirit and put to death any fear, anxiety, anger, or resentment in...
...受到损害。但是百夫长信从有航海经验的船主和掌船的,不信从“被囚”的保罗所说的。Paul sought God in all things and received revelations from Him: this voyage would result in the loss of not only the cargo and the ship but also lives. However, the centurion...
...in is the law.” 我们头脑虽然知道律法,比如:不要忧虑,一天的难处一天当,可是心还是会止不住的担忧。Though my mind knows the law—for example, “Do not worry, for each day has enough trouble of its own”—yet my heart cannot stop ...