...es. 我们每天面临属灵争战,在两律的交战中,我们若不信是考试,到了环境去靠了肉体就被罪恶的权势给掳掠了,Every day, we face spiritual battles. In the struggle between the two laws, if we fail to recognise it as a test, we will be overtaken by the po...
...ll his enemies.经历多多,对神的认识多多,他见证说,我若不信在活人之地得见耶和华的恩惠,就早已丧胆了。Through many experiences and an understanding of God, David testified, "If I had not believed that I would see the favour of the Lord in the land of the liv...
...无知,多少次经历你爱的拯救,却依然逞着自己顽梗背逆不信的恶心,与你为仇,结果落在咒诅之中。Lord, please forgive me for my blindness and ignorance. How many times have I experienced the salvation of Your love, yet I still indulge in my stubborn, rebellious,...
...akness but believing that victory belongs to the Lord. 求主赦免我不信的罪,身处逆境时,就自保、惧怕,胆怯、退缩,凭了眼见,心就消化,失去了平安,让仇敌得胜;Lord, forgive my sin of unbelief. When faced with adversity, I resort to self-preservat...
...sp;主啊,这不是照着世人的样子活在怕被定罪的感觉里,不信你的话吗?如今在基督里的就不定罪了!阿们!我信这话!Lord, isn’t this living in the fear of being condemned, like the
world does, and not believing in Your words? Now those who are in Chr...
...ed by Judas, His own people rejected Him again. 再出卖他,把他交给不信的外邦人,They betrayed Him too and handed Him over to unbelieving Gentiles. 尊贵的主,我们的万王之王,宇宙的创造主受到的待遇是:The treatment received by our honored Lord, the King of kin...
...什么靠自己、逞强没有?有什么抱怨、不满没有?有什么不信、自义没有?Amen! Holy Spirit, please examine my heart this morning to see if there is any fear or worry in me. Do I rely on myself or seek to show off? Do I complain or harbour dissatisfaction? Do I hav...
...ers except that You live in me and glorify Your name. 带我在主内,在不信的外邦人面前,将福音的真谛活出来,能被你称赞“荣耀了你的名”,将来也能同享永恒荣耀。(可以继续代祷……)Help me to manifest the truth of the gospel a...
...地上,虽然没有人肯定祂,没有人体恤祂,家里的弟兄也不信祂,拒绝祂,在十字架上,连一起生活三年半的门徒都离弃了祂。When Christ came to earth, although no one affirmed Him, no one sympathisedwith Him, the brothers in His family did not believe...