...稣基督还在我们作罪人的时候,为我们的自私,为我们的不信,为我们的贪婪,为我们的偷窃,为我们的骄傲,为我们的专顾自己……Who will die for sinners? Only Jesus Christ. When we were still sinners, He shed His blood and gave His life for ...
...l worship You alone! 圣灵,求你来洁净我,充满我,更新我,不信自己的对和好,弃绝各种谎言,想象,负面…Holy Spirit, cleanse me, fill me, and renew me. I refuse to trust in my own righteousness or goodness and reject all lies, imaginations, and negativity. ...
... Jesus for salvation.主,我宣告我相信!奉主的名弃绝一切的不信、怀疑和一切属世界的谎言的价值观,使我因信活出神的荣耀,见证福音的大能! Lord, I declare that I believe! In the name of the Lord, I renounce all unbelief, doubt, and the false va...
...眼见耳闻判断善恶,嘴巴不停地抱怨、论断、争辩,做出不信、负面的宣告,被自己嘴巴的话缠住,落在仇敌的欺压之中。Lord, please forgive me. How many times have I failed to guard my tongue or restrain my heart? I have followed my own eyes and ears in jud...
...急,却在急难中转向神。他倚靠神,心里就得坚固。信与不信的果子何等不同。The people began to blame and resent David, even threatening to stone him. David, though equally distressed, turned to God in his time of trouble. He found strength in the Lord his God. The diffe...
...、嫉妒、苦毒、埋怨、自私、自爱、骄傲、自大、背逆、不信、惧怕、贪婪…Lord, in Your light, I see my own heart filled with strife, jealousy, bitterness, complaints, selfishness, self-love, pride, arrogance, rebellion, unbelief, fear, and greed… 我的罪是...
... Lord, did not understand His words.知道耶稣复活后,又惊恐,又不信,又惊奇。 They were afraid, unbelieving, and amazed when they heard of the resurrection. 当他们亲眼看到复活的主,他们就喜乐了,他们的生命改变了。 But when they saw the risen Lord with t...
...mired in corruption and darkness.看环境,纵然有人抗拒、毁谤,不信;看异象,充满盼望,有许多主的百姓,神掌管一切。Looking at the environment, there was resistance, blasphemy, and unbelief; wBut looking at the vision, it was full of hope—many of the Lord's...
...得胜了,照着神的旨意成就了。主啊,赦免我们的小信和不信,The Israelites prevailed, and God's will was done. Lord, forgive us for our little faith and unbelief. 看到凶险的环境心就消化,选择了自保、逃跑、退缩,在四面受敌之时失去了信心和...
...非利士人为工具,结果显明扫罗是属血气的,他信自己而不信靠神,扫罗失败了;In the first test, God sent the Philistines as tools. The result showed that Saul was fleshly. He trusted himself instead of God, so Saul failed; 第二次的考试,是神吩咐扫罗灭尽...