...llow your commandments. 你是我的磐石,我的救赎主,愿我心里意念,口中的言语,在你面前蒙悦纳。You are my rock and my redeemer. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight. 主啊,掌管我们活在你的面前,成...
...来信靠你!求圣灵破除我里面一切不信的坚固营垒,人的意念都是虚妄的,惟有神是真实的!Lord, You are worthy of my wholehearted trust! I pray that the Holy Spirit will break down all the strongholds of unbelief within me, for human thoughts are futile, but God is t...
...... 主啊,求你赦免我离弃了你,与你为仇,随自己的意念,走在背逆的道上…Lord, please forgive me for forsaking You, for being opposed to You, and walking in rebellion according to my own desires…主啊,我为自己的罪受咒诅,本是该得的,...
...,必与你同活!死不是终点,籍着向己死,向罪的思维、意念、行为死,我要得着复活的生命,这是死的盼望!Yes, Lord, I believe that if I die with You, I will also live with You! Death is not the end. By dying to self—dying to sinful thoughts, attitudes,...
...圣灵光照引领,不断地离弃自以为正的道路,除掉不义的意念,悔改归向神,祂必广行赦免。To believe in Jesus is to be led by the light of the Holy Spirit, constantly forsaking our own perceived righteousness, casting away our wrong thoughts, repenting and turning to...
...凡事求问耶和华,每一步都问,只信神说的,他知道人的意念是虚妄的。David's most notable characteristic throughout his life was seeking the Lord’s counsel in all matters. He consulted God at every step, believing only in what God said, knowing that human thoughts ar...
...寻求神,让圣灵在心里作割礼,向一切自我中心、自私的意念死,里面被圣灵掌管,活出耶稣的生命的人。The true Jews are those who seek God with their hearts, allowing the Holy Spirit to circumcise their hearts, die to all self-centred and selfish thou...
...ir king closely from the Jordan River to Jerusalem. 经上说,人的意念都是虚妄的,The Bible says that people's thoughts are vain.以色列人前一分钟还认为与大卫的情分大,热心迎接大卫求王回来,后一分钟就反叛大卫跟从了匪类示巴。The Israelite...