...an have salvation and righteousness. 主啊,我们曾经信过各种宗教,拜过各种偶像…钱财,知识、势力、才能、任何有形无形的名,也都不能救我们脱离罪和死亡的权势。Lord, we have believed in various religions and worshiped various idols&mdas...
...翰,要叫那些自以为读过书,有学问的文士、法利赛人、宗教人士羞愧,God deliberately chose those whom the world considers lowly, foolish, and weak—fishermen like Peter and John—to shame those who pride themselves on their education and knowledge, such as schol...
...uo;这里指公会,也包括官府、犹太长老、文士并祭司长等宗教权柄,本来是代表神来管理神子民的。"You" here refers to the guild, including government officials, Jewish elders, scribes, and high priests, who originally represented God in governing His people.彼得...
...ower of Jesus to transform their lives is evident! 主,我不要继续在宗教中自欺,Lord, I do not want to deceive myself in religion any more. 求圣灵带领我,弃绝一切不信的谎言,定意信你的话,信你的旨意美好,在环境中因信冒险,不救自己,丧掉自...
...,不在乎我去多少次聚会,听多少道,读多少经,搞多少宗教活动…Thank You, Lord, for teaching us that faith is not about our flesh, not about how many times we attend the congregations, listen to sermons, read the scriptures, or engage in religious activities...信心...
...主,不是偶然,也不是我们拣选了主耶稣,不信佛或其他宗教,乃是在万古以前,神已经预先拣选了我们。Our belief in the Lord is not accidental, nor is it because we chose the Lord Jesus and decided not to believe in Buddhism or other religions. Rather, God chos...