...hat a long-suffering love! 主啊,在这末后的日子,让我们以你的心为心,用你的爱去爱,为着许多还不认识你、拒绝你的灵魂祈求,Lord, in these last days, let us take Your heart as our heart, love with Your love, and pray for the many souls who still don’...
...,忠贞专一在你面前,立志不在罪中打转,时刻保守自己的心,爱你所爱,恨你所恨。Let me return to Calvary time and time again, live in your love, and remain loyal and devoted before you. May I be determined not to live in sin, guard my heart always, love what you lov...
...是我性命的保障,我还惧谁呢?虽有军兵安营攻击我,我的心也不害怕;虽然兴起刀兵攻击我,我必仍旧安稳。He praised the Lord: “The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? Though an army besiege me,my heart will not fear; thou...
...你却爱那恨你的人,恨那爱你的人!你要出去安慰你仆人的心!大卫听了劝告。Joab pointed out David's fault: "Your servants saved your life, and the lives of your children, your wives, and your concubines, but you love those who hate you and hate those who love you! Go ou...
...ould not know where we would end up. 主啊,你的救恩广阔,我的心哪,不可忘记你一切的恩惠,在我活着的日子,我要时时来敬拜称颂你。Lord, Your salvation is vast. My heart, I must not forget all Your grace. As long as I live, I will always come to worship ...
...地方,蒙神喜悦,神大大使用这个禾场。因大卫明白父神的心,行在父神的旨意里,瘟疫就止住了。This threshing floor was chosen by God and was pleasing to Him. God used this place greatly. Because David understood God's heart and acted according to His will, the p...
大卫因犯罪导致百姓七万人死亡,原本神的心意是要毁灭耶路撒冷,到最后时刻,神显出慈爱和怜悯吩咐灭民的天使住手。David's sin resulted in the death of 70,000 people. God's original intention was to destroy Jerusalem, but at the last moment, God showed...
...而是“我”死了,让位给主耶稣,让圣灵来掌管我的心,It is not about what I can do for You, but about me dying to myself, surrendering to You, and allowing the Holy Spirit to rule in my heart. 作成神的工,活出不再是“我”,而...
...to the cross with you, so that I will not be easily angered! 将自己的心交托公义审判的神,信靠等候,相信圣灵也能将复活的能力释放在我里面,叫我在神面前活着。I entrust my heart to the righteous God who judges justly, trusting and waiting, believing th...
...sp;阿们!死里复活的主现今在神的右边在为我们祈求,我的心就得了安慰和鼓励,知道祂在,祂一直都在。Amen! The risen Lord is now at the right hand of God, interceding for us. My heart is comforted and encouraged, knowing that He is always there. 无论何...