...l to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; " 神的心意是,祂断不喜悦恶人死亡,唯喜悦恶人悔改,离开恶道,转离所行的道而活。God's will is not for the death of the wicked but for their repentance, turning from their evil ways, and living. ...
...代价,在信心、德行、知识、节制、忍耐、虔敬、爱弟兄的心、爱众人的心上不断地加添,A person who is diligent in Christ pays the price and constantly adds to their faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, patience, piety, brotherly love, and love for everyone.只要...
...and for trying to grasp the world while loving God.神说,爱世界爱父的心就不祂里面了。You have said that the heart that loves the world does not have the love of the Father in it. 主啊,求你吸引我们把这份爱建立在基督的根基之上,有属灵的见识,渴慕...
...r sins. You bestowed healing power, turning hearts back to You.主啊,我的心要尊你为大,每天以你的信实为粮,照着你在我们里面运用的大能尽心竭力,敬畏主,遵命而行,为主摆上,单单讨主喜悦。Lord, my heart exalts you greatly; each day I feed on ...
...顺服到底,死也爱主到底,虽至于死,也不爱惜性命,父的心何等满足喜乐,何等激励真跟随的人。 Therefore, Paul said, "I am ready not only to be bound but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus." He was obedient unto death, loving the Lord to the...
...神的话,正在我们口里,在我们心里,只要我们敞开我们的心,邀请圣灵登上我们心灵的宝座,与祂面对面,俯伏在祂面前,祂就与我们同在。He told us that this way is near us; it is the word of God, in our mouths and in our hearts. As long ...
... all those who are sanctified. 好牧人为羊舍命,保罗有为父的心肠,人虽要离开,心却深深的牵挂着神的教会,神的众儿女,The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Paul had a fatherly heart; although he was leaving, his heart was deeply concerned for...
...s will be born by faith.主啊,求圣灵将神的话深深的刻在我们的心版上。Lord, please engrave the word of God deeply on the plate of our heart. 离开了信心,就是离开了你的面,生活必是一团糟,除了失败就是失败。To leave faith is to leave your face, and l...
...种灾祸、急难、疾病、损失时,求你赦免我,带着拜偶像的心,只求你帮我解决难处,祷告没有回应,还抱怨神偏心,Lord, when various disasters, crises, illnesses, and losses happen in my life, forgive me for seeking only solutions, praying without response, ...