...恩典,凡投靠你的,你便作我们四围的盾牌。主啊,我们的心全然向你,你是我们的救赎主,What precious grace! You are a shield around those who take refuge in You. Lord, our hearts are entirely devoted to You. You are our Redeemer. 你的道是炼净的,又是完...
... is impossible.从无到有,从卑贱到尊贵,从羞辱到荣耀,她的心因耶和华而快乐,她信一切都出于神,她把根基建立在耶和华身上,她便得了高举和荣耀。From nothing to something, from lowliness to nobility, from shame to glory, her heart rejoiced in t...
...的选召和恩赐是没有后悔的。我怎能继续活在罪中,使你的心伤痛呢?Even though we rebel and turn away from Him, the Holy Spirit may be grieved, but He does not regret dwelling within us! Lord, Your calling and gifts are without repentance. How can I continue to live in sin ...
...、计算人的恶,心里翻腾时,求圣灵提醒我,这不是耶稣的心,是我有罪了,Lord, when I feel that I have been treated unfairly and want to defend myself, judge others, and dwell on their wrongdoings, and my heart is in turmoil, I ask the Holy Spirit to remind me that this ...
...私、看不惯、恼怒……谦卑回转,使我不冷不热的心能向你活过来。May the Lord grant me the strength not to lose heart and to pray fervently. May the Holy Spirit pour out on me, removing the self-righteousness, selfishness, intolerance, anger, and other sins in my f...
...们所要的是什么呢?就是要我们行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑的心与我的主同行。Lord, what do You require of us? You want us to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.你所喜悦的就是虚心痛悔因你的话而战兢的...
...:9). God acts according to His Word.主,求你赦免我,带着拜偶像的心,只想解决问题。Lord, please forgive me for having an idolatrous heart that only wanted to solve the problem. 祷告没有得着回应时,抱怨神,不信,急躁,自己行动,结果落在咒诅和网...
... becoming more and more like You.主,在你的光中,我才看到自己的心满了争竞、嫉妒、苦毒、埋怨、自私、自爱、骄傲、自大、背逆、不信、惧怕、贪婪…Lord, in Your light, I see my own heart filled with strife, jealousy, bitterness, complaints, selfis...
...境中,我宣告相信:你永远良善!你的旨意美好!改变我的心,更像你。Lord, life is in your hands, my whole life is in your hands, what else is there to fear! In all kinds of circumstances that are not what I want, I declare that I believe: You are always good! Your will is...
...柔、忍耐,用爱心彼此包容,竭力保守圣灵所赐合而为一的心,同心奔赴神的大使命,建立主的教会。Be imitate God and be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love, and making every effort to keep the unity of th...