...宝血洗去我们一切罪,他受的鞭伤苦痛来唤醒每一颗沉迷的心,离开恶道,不再做背道的儿女走向死亡,乃是以圣洁敬畏之心敬拜赞美主的圣名,献上自己为祭,Hallelujah, praise the Lord! I declare: apart from You, there is no other savior. I bel...
... myself, turn to your truth, and love what you love...主啊,炼净我们的心,今生更多像你,在永恒里可以侍立在你面前,敬拜尊崇你。Lord, refine our hearts so we will be more like You in this life, and we can stand before You, worship, and honour You in eternity. (付...
... me, humble me, and help me rely on You. 圣灵,求你掌管我的心,引导我顺服真理,经历生命的更新和翻转,用谦卑、舍己、爱的生命来见证自己所传的道, Holy Spirit, take control of my heart, guide me to obey the truth, experience the renewal ...
...怎么说就怎么成就,使徒们、众百姓、神的教会都照着神的心意而行,为他作见证. God's word is fulfilled exactly as it is spoken, the apostles, the people, and the church of God all acted according to God's will and testified for Him.保罗竭力...
...。主啊,求你指教我,数算自己的年日,好让我得着智慧的心,活在你的旨意中。If the Lord wills, we will do this or that. Lord, teach us to number our days so that we may gain a heart of wisdom and live according to Your will.主,过去已无法改变,明天也无...
...性情的人,Elijah was a man with a nature like ours. 但当他照着神的心意恳切祷告,为着百姓能悔改归向神,求不要下雨,雨就三年零六个月不下在地上。Yet, when he earnestly prayed according to God’s will—for the repentance and return of His peopl...
...会、社区、国家和这个世界中作君尊的祭司,让我们以你的心为心,为你的国和义,为群羊,为万人,为君王和一切在位的…不停止恳求、祷告、代求…Lord, You have chosen us to be royal priests in our homes, churches, communities, nations...
...他喊出被天父离弃的哀痛,也因大声喊叫唤醒我沉睡麻木的心,使我心被恩感,归回向你,得着这宝贵的救恩。 He cried out in the agony of being forsaken by the Heavenly Father, awakening my numb and slumbering heart with His loud cry, causing my heart to be gra...
...put God first, God blessed him to become stronger and stronger. 以神的心为心的领袖,不是为自己的荣耀而战,而是为了神的子民安定蒙福,以色列的复兴而战,神就使大卫无论往哪里去,神都使他得胜。A leader with God's heart does not fight for ...
... perish but have eternal life.主啊,愿这牺牲的爱常常触摸我们的心,你为我死,我为你活,效仿大卫完全的顺服,坚定的信靠,成为合乎你心意的人,因耶稣基督,昨日、今日、一直到永远是一样的。Lord, may this sacrificial love always tou...