...s. 从小到大,我学什么,我外在学了,就照着去做,但我的心如何?我不晓得。From childhood to adulthood, whatever I learned externally, I would follow and do accordingly—but what about my heart? I did not know. 当我学画画、做饭、剪发,各样的技术,...
... it vigorously, even to the point of shedding blood and tears. 保守自己的心不容私欲迷惑我们, 雅各说:“私欲既怀了胎,就生出罪来;罪既长成,就生出死来。”The heart must be guarded from being deceived by lust, for as James says, “Then, after ...
...k you gave me to do.”他牺牲自己,把福音传开,医治受伤的心,叫被掳的得释放,瞎眼得看见,被囚的出监牢,压制的得自由,He sacrificed Himself to spread the gospel, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives, recovery of sight fo...
...最心爱的儿子撒母耳完全地献给神,没有痛苦和不舍。她的心因耶和华快乐,因神的救恩欢欣。Hannah dedicated her most beloved son, Samuel, completely to God without pain or reluctance. Her heart rejoiced in the Lord and rejoiced in God’s salvation.借着祷告...