...钱、名利、自尊面子、孩子、自己、工作…占据了我的心。主啊,求你使我打碎心中偶像,放下心中所爱……My heart is filled with too many idols—money, fame, pride, children, myself, work—all occupying my heart. Lord, please help me br...
...环境,内心求问主:“主啊,你要光照我自己是怎样的心呢?神的儿子在这样的环境里,是怎样的心呢?In any situation, I will ask the Lord in my heart: "Lord, what kind of heart do You want to illuminate in me? What kind of heart does the Son of God have...
...according to God’s will.阿门!圣灵啊,清晨就求你鉴察我的心,看我里面有什么惧怕、担忧没有?有什么靠自己、逞强没有?有什么抱怨、不满没有?有什么不信、自义没有?Amen! Holy Spirit, please examine my heart this morning to see if the...