...钱、名利、自尊面子、孩子、自己、工作…占据了我的心。主啊,求你使我打碎心中偶像,放下心中所爱……My heart is filled with too many idols—money, fame, pride, children, myself, work—all occupying my heart. Lord, please help me br...
...k you gave me to do.”他牺牲自己,把福音传开,医治受伤的心,叫被掳的得释放,瞎眼得看见,被囚的出监牢,压制的得自由,He sacrificed Himself to spread the gospel, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives, recovery of sight fo...
...最心爱的儿子撒母耳完全地献给神,没有痛苦和不舍。她的心因耶和华快乐,因神的救恩欢欣。Hannah dedicated her most beloved son, Samuel, completely to God without pain or reluctance. Her heart rejoiced in the Lord and rejoiced in God’s salvation.借着祷告...
... died. 主啊,求主赦免我们的罪,信了你却没有将我们的心尊主为大,凡事尊你的旨意行。Lord, please forgive us for our sins. We have believed in You, but we have not magnified Your name in our hearts or obeyed Your will in all things.常常张狂自夸,计划着...
...e. God cannot be mocked.虽然许多人因着不忠心失败了。然而神的心意从未更改,也必要成就。神要为自己立一个忠心的祭司。忠心的标志是:他必照神的心意而行,不是照自己的心意而行。Although many have failed because of unfaithfulness, God&...