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...会、社区、国家和这个世界中作君尊的祭司,让我们以你的心为心,为你的国和义,为群羊,为万人,为君王和一切在位的…不停止恳求、祷告、代求…Lord, You have chosen us to be royal priests in our homes, churches, communities, nations...
发表于 2024-07-15 20:09:47

...他喊出被天父离弃的哀痛,也因大声喊叫唤醒我沉睡麻木的心,使我心被恩感,归回向你,得着这宝贵的救恩。 He cried out in the agony of being forsaken by the Heavenly Father, awakening my numb and slumbering heart with His loud cry, causing my heart to be gra...
发表于 2024-03-25 17:27:57

...put God first, God blessed him to become stronger and stronger. 以神的心为心的领袖,不是为自己的荣耀而战,而是为了神的子民安定蒙福,以色列的复兴而战,神就使大卫无论往哪里去,神都使他得胜。A leader with God's heart does not fight for ...
发表于 2024-08-29 19:59:33

... is impossible.从无到有,从卑贱到尊贵,从羞辱到荣耀,她的心因耶和华而快乐,她信一切都出于神,她把根基建立在耶和华身上,她便得了高举和荣耀。From nothing to something, from lowliness to nobility, from shame to glory, her heart rejoiced in t...
发表于 2024-06-27 20:10:52

...的选召和恩赐是没有后悔的。我怎能继续活在罪中,使你的心伤痛呢?Even though we rebel and turn away from Him, the Holy Spirit may be grieved, but He does not regret dwelling within us! Lord, Your calling and gifts are without repentance. How can I continue to live in sin ...
发表于 2024-07-24 20:05:26

...私、看不惯、恼怒……谦卑回转,使我不冷不热的心能向你活过来。May the Lord grant me the strength not to lose heart and to pray fervently. May the Holy Spirit pour out on me, removing the self-righteousness, selfishness, intolerance, anger, and other sins in my f...
发表于 2024-04-11 19:17:34

...:9). God acts according to His Word.主,求你赦免我,带着拜偶像的心,只想解决问题。Lord, please forgive me for having an idolatrous heart that only wanted to solve the problem. 祷告没有得着回应时,抱怨神,不信,急躁,自己行动,结果落在咒诅和网...
发表于 2024-07-19 20:49:38

...境中,我宣告相信:你永远良善!你的旨意美好!改变我的心,更像你。Lord, life is in your hands, my whole life is in your hands, what else is there to fear! In all kinds of circumstances that are not what I want, I declare that I believe: You are always good! Your will is...
发表于 2024-08-07 19:53:51

...纵然被苦害、冤枉、逼迫、颠沛流离,生命受到威胁,他的心里只有主和主的公义。把伸冤的主权交在神手中,He fully submitted to the authority granted to him by God. Even though he was persecuted, wronged, and his life was threatened, he held only the Lord and...
发表于 2024-08-11 20:17:50

彼得为主舍了渔船和鱼网,单以得着耶稣为至宝,他的心完全被主占据,圣灵降临在他身上,他必得着能力,彼得大有能力宣讲神的道,高举基督,引人悔改归正,扎人心,Peter gave up his fishing boat and nets for the sake of Christ, taking ...
发表于 2024-04-24 01:55:05
