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...最心爱的儿子撒母耳完全地献给神,没有痛苦和不舍。她的心因耶和华快乐,因神的救恩欢欣。Hannah dedicated her most beloved son, Samuel, completely to God without pain or reluctance. Her heart rejoiced in the Lord and rejoiced in God’s salvation.借着祷告...
发表于 2024-06-26 21:04:26

...e. God cannot be mocked.虽然许多人因着不忠心失败了。然而神的心意从未更改,也必要成就。神要为自己立一个忠心的祭司。忠心的标志是:他必照神的心意而行,不是照自己的心意而行。Although many have failed because of unfaithfulness, God&...
发表于 2024-07-01 18:18:52

...的道,荣耀的完成了使命。此刻,圣灵啊,求你来冲击我的心,领我悔改归正,不再追求那朽坏的,地上的一切都要过去,惟有神的国是存到永远。Until the end, he said: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." ...
发表于 2024-06-20 20:30:59

... can be sent out. 主啊,愿你赐我们,跟你一样有舍己爱灵魂的心,呼求说, ‘主啊,我在这里,求你差遣我,我愿与你同去…’ 求你带领我们与你同行,借着我们的手为你的福音行神迹大能,让万国万民看见你,归向你...
发表于 2024-04-08 18:43:34

...,出于他的默然不语,只管尽自己当尽的本分,保守自己的心,切切祷告掌管万有的主,到了神的时间就看到全能的主施行奇事。God is never late; He watches from heaven to see who is seeking and who understands. When people recognize that the true battle i...
发表于 2024-05-30 20:39:09

...nd obey You.  我们若肯放下自己的意思,凡事寻求你的心意,留心你的作为,听从你,跟随你的脚踪,行你的道,你就反手攻击我们的仇敌!If we are willing to lay down our own will, seek Your will in all things, and pay attention to Your works, l...
发表于 2024-08-23 21:01:20

...到,雪上加霜,跟随他的人还要用石头打死他,试炼大卫的心。God allowed sudden calamity to befall David, compounding his distress. Even his own followers sought to stone him, testing his heart. 大卫因心坚定倚靠耶和华,胜过看环境,看人,转向神定睛寻...
发表于 2024-08-16 19:14:42

...as the true path forblessings. 圣灵啊,求你将这真理刻在我的心版上,使我不再去管别人的好坏对错,而是时时回转,竭力认识并除去自己的罪,Holy Spirit, engrave this truth on the tablet of my heart so that I no longer concern myself with the right or ...
发表于 2024-05-03 19:53:03

...宝血洗去我们一切罪,他受的鞭伤苦痛来唤醒每一颗沉迷的心,离开恶道,不再做背道的儿女走向死亡,乃是以圣洁敬畏之心敬拜赞美主的圣名,献上自己为祭,Hallelujah, praise the Lord! I declare: apart from You, there is no other savior. I bel...
发表于 2024-05-05 19:25:53

... myself, turn to your truth, and love what you love...主啊,炼净我们的心,今生更多像你,在永恒里可以侍立在你面前,敬拜尊崇你。Lord, refine our hearts so we will be more like You in this life, and we can stand before You, worship, and honour You in eternity. (付...
发表于 2024-07-03 20:08:03
