...们是主用宝血所赎买回来,分别为圣归给祂的新妇。我们的心若被耶稣以外的人或物占据充满,怎能说自己是忠贞的呢?Beyond this, spiritually, Jesus Christ is our bridegroom, and we are
the bride redeemed by His precious blood, sanctified and set apart for ...
...nly God Himself is good.祂给我们机会事奉祂,我们当凡事以神的心为心,行祂眼中看为正的事。因我们原是祂的工作,在基督耶稣里造成的,为要叫我们行善,就是神预备叫我们行的。 He gives us the opportunity to serve Him. We should consi...
...sp;大卫被塑造成为神儿子的生命,成为合神心意的,使神的心得满足。David was shaped into a life that resembled the Son of God, becoming a man after God's own heart, bringing delight to God's heart. 主,当我只想照自己的意思行,就成为与你为仇的,求你...