...employers and employees.原文说,作仆人的,凡事要用十分敬畏的心顺服主人…不管主人是怎样的人,仆人在一切事上,当存着敬畏神,不敢得罪神的心,去顺服主人。The original text says that servants should obey their masters with great reverenc...
...智慧,是真智慧。属天的智慧是看别人比自己强,以基督的心为心,不求自己的益处,祝福他人的心,别人得荣耀就是自己得荣耀了。The wisdom from above is God’s wisdom—heavenly and true. It leads us to see others as better than ourselves, to...
...体健壮,因我们的身体是圣灵的殿,竭力保守圣洁,喜乐的心才能在基督里凡事兴盛。No matter what he did, he always put God at the centre, magnified the Lord in everything, maintained good relationships with God, and walked for His glory. Only a prosperous soul ca...
...f the devil. 主啊,这一刻,你的话就像一束大光照亮我的心,被圣灵责备,说是信你,所走的路竟然是与你为仇的路。Lord, at this moment, Your words are like a beam of light that illuminates my heart. I was rebuked by the Holy Spirit, realising that I belie...
...有属灵的见识,我们不是与属血气的争战,竭力保守自己的心,谨守警醒,用爱和饶恕来击退仇敌的诡计。We must always remain prepared, not relying on what we see or hear, but rather having spiritual insight. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. We must s...
...要发怒说话时,慢下来,停住,回到心里祷告:主啊,我的心为什么这么翻腾?耶稣的心是怎样的?耶稣是爱,没有对我发怒,却甘心为我的罪舍命…When I am about to speak in anger, I slow down, pause, and turn back to pray in my heart: Lord, w...
...醒神的百姓不要忘记神的恩典,心中要有敬畏神和依靠神的心,撒母耳在米斯巴和善中间立了一块石头,起名叫以便以谢,以此见证那位“到如今都帮助我们的神”。To commemorate God's help, remind God's people not to forget God's grace,...
...场,他心存使命,并没有选择自保,而是奋不顾身,以神的心为心,爱同胞胜于爱自己,Despite being in distress himself, when he heard that the Philistines were attacking Keilah and stealing grain, he felt a sense of mission. He did not choose self-preservation but ins...
彼得把我们带入一个属灵生命得胜的高峰,受苦的心志是属灵战争中致胜的兵器,有了这兵器,我们才能胜过罪和情欲的诱惑,在世上可按着神的旨意生活。Peter leads us to a peak of spiritual victory. The will to suffer is a weapon for triumph in...