...免我们忘恩作恶,与你为仇,让你的圣灵担忧,不懂为父的心,行走在自己认为对的路上,伤透了你的心。Lord, forgive us for being ungrateful and evil, for being enemies with You, grieving Your Holy Spirit, not understanding the heart of a father, walki...
...rd.今天圣灵在我们里面,就是要除掉我们的罪,禁止我们的心去犯罪。Today, the Holy Spirit is in us to remove our sins and forbid our hearts from sinning. 是的,我们要保守我们的心,胜过保守一切,一切的果效是由心发出。因信,知道惹事...
...灵痛悔、谦卑的人同居,使谦卑人的灵苏醒,也使痛悔人的心苏醒。They believe that by building magnificent temples and offering sacrifices, God will eat and drink joyfully, dwell within, and be at their beck and call, giving whatever they ask. But God says that He desires to...
... this would not have happened.神既许可这事发生,必是有他美好的心意在其中,因他深知他所赐的是赐平安的意念,不是降灾祸的意念,是要我们末后有指望。Since God permitted it, He must have had a beautiful intention, for He knows the plans He has for u...
...爱仇敌,敬畏神,把爱活在伤口,凡事讨神的喜悦,以神的心为心,在患难中被训练成合神心意的人。He trusted God, loved God and his enemies, feared God, and sought to please Him in all things. David allowed God to shape him into a man after His own heart through ...
...yet exalted by the Father to the highest place! 这至高的爱融化我们的心,谦卑的君王是我们永远的拯救。This supreme love melts our hearts—the humble King is our eternal salvation.主啊,当人来纠正我时,我正说“不是”,“没有”,心...
彼得反复的呼唤,亲爱的弟兄啊,能体会他爱神子民的心切,唤醒我们沉睡的灵,不再荒废度日,时候到了现在就是了,要积极的预备自己,迎接主的再来。Peter’s repeated calls, dear brothers, show his eagerness to love God’s people, ...
...面对明天。神是稳固的磐石,拯救的磐石,信实可靠,我的心要快快来投靠祂!Because He lives and controls all things, including my life, I can overcome fear and face tomorrow with hope. God is the solid rock, the rock of salvation, faithful and reliable. My heart must qu...
... but in actions and truth. 若是我们看到弟兄缺乏,却塞住怜恤的心,说“耶稣爱你,求主赐给你需用的一切,平平安安地去吧”,不给他们实际的帮助,爱神的心怎能存在我们里面呢?If we see a brother in need and close our hearts to com...
...自己的性命为念,也不看自己的性命为宝贵,单单以基督的心为心,为神国的复兴,失丧灵魂的得救,Throughout the long history of the church, those zealous missionaries who were willing to risk everything for the Lord's name did not consider their own lives p...