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...是属神的,是神的儿女,也要竭力保守圣灵所赐合而为一的心,爱祂所爱,恨祂所恨,祂的喜乐就是我们的喜乐。The church was what John loved sincerely. We belong to God and are His children, and we must also strive to maintain the unity of the Spirit through t...
发表于 2025-01-05 23:45:48

...见证过,如今,他看重心的重要,提醒神儿女要约束自己的心,不放纵私欲,每天存敬畏神的心敬虔度日。Peter witnessed these truths in his own life. He now emphasises the importance of the heart and urges God’s children to restrain their hearts, avoid indu...
发表于 2024-10-13 17:07:09

... spread from Corinth, and God's will was fulfilled.主啊,此刻激动我的心,这城有你许多的百姓(家里、小区、邻舍、公司等等),你不救自己救罪人的这份爱从未改变过,愿感动保罗的心也感动我,能以你的心为心,为福音的广传付上舍...
发表于 2024-06-07 20:56:48

...,而是祷告寻求神的旨意。神即刻回应指示。神知道万人的心。Although Samuel was displeased, he did not act on his own. Instead, he prayed and sought God's will. God responded immediately with instructions. God knows the hearts of all people.以色列人想要效法周围的...
发表于 2024-07-08 19:42:58

...的旨意求什么,他就听我们,这是我们向他所存坦然无惧的心。既然知道他听我们一切所求的,就知道我们所求于他的,无不得着。” The Bible says: "This is the confidence we have in God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears u...
发表于 2024-12-02 00:19:49

...n, purity, and perverseness throughout his life.当他在神面前存慈爱的心时,神就以慈爱待他;他保守他的心完全时,神就以完全待他;他在神里面保守清洁时,神就以清洁待他; When he had a kind heart before God, God treated him with kindness; when he kept ...
发表于 2024-09-19 19:49:44

...d will is in everything. 主,感谢你兴起各种环境来试验我的心,别人如何与我有何相干,我只要来跟从神!主,这一刻,我的心要接受真理的光照、审判和更新!Lord, thank you for raising up various circumstances to test my heart. What others do h...
发表于 2024-09-09 19:44:33

...免我们忘恩作恶,与你为仇,让你的圣灵担忧,不懂为父的心,行走在自己认为对的路上,伤透了你的心。Lord, forgive us for being ungrateful and evil, for being enemies with You, grieving Your Holy Spirit, not understanding the heart of a father, walki...
发表于 2024-10-17 18:53:42

...rd.今天圣灵在我们里面,就是要除掉我们的罪,禁止我们的心去犯罪。Today, the Holy Spirit is in us to remove our sins and forbid our hearts from sinning. 是的,我们要保守我们的心,胜过保守一切,一切的果效是由心发出。因信,知道惹事...
发表于 2024-12-17 19:11:20

...灵痛悔、谦卑的人同居,使谦卑人的灵苏醒,也使痛悔人的心苏醒。They believe that by building magnificent temples and offering sacrifices, God will eat and drink joyfully, dwell within, and be at their beck and call, giving whatever they ask. But God says that He desires to...
发表于 2024-05-22 02:29:09
