... deeply, bringing me back to life from sins and transgressions.主啊,我的心要归向你,眼目喜悦你一切的道路,每天在行审判的路上等候你,悔改归正,结出果子来,与悔改的心相称。My heart turns to You; I delight in Your ways and await Your justice daily....
... broken all the laws.神是圣洁的,我们也要成为圣洁,存忌邪的心,爱神所爱,恨神所恨,凡事以神为中心,单单讨祂的喜悦。保守自己的心思意念,行事为人彰显耶稣基督祂的品格。God is holy, and we must also be holy—having a zealous he...
...是属神的,是神的儿女,也要竭力保守圣灵所赐合而为一的心,爱祂所爱,恨祂所恨,祂的喜乐就是我们的喜乐。The church was what John loved sincerely. We belong to God and are His children, and we must also strive to maintain the unity of the Spirit through t...
...见证过,如今,他看重心的重要,提醒神儿女要约束自己的心,不放纵私欲,每天存敬畏神的心敬虔度日。Peter witnessed these truths in his own life. He now emphasises the importance of the heart and urges God’s children to restrain their hearts, avoid indu...