... Your Holy Spirit.罪的工价就是死。顺从心中的苦毒、委屈、嫉妒、争竞、贪财…使我与你隔绝,成为罪的奴仆,落在咒诅之下,没有福乐来到。The wages of sin is death. When I yield to bitterness, self-pity, jealousy, strife, and greed, I am separated...
...对身边的肢体表面和平,心中却藏着不满、论断、争竞、嫉妒、不服…结果就是被罪欺压。Meanwhile, I maintain outward peace with those around me but harbor discontent, judgment, strife, jealousy, and pride in my heart. The result is being oppressed by sin. 因我...
...少的不饶恕、论断、苦毒、愤恨恼怒、看不惯、不感恩、嫉妒比较等等,收的果子全是毒害、罪孽,被罪深深缠累捆所,不能得自由,这个叫工价。The wages of sin is death. What are the wages? It means that you
reap what you sow. No matter how much u...
...was aimed at bringing about repentance and salvation for them. 他们却因嫉妒心蒙了脂油,把爱当成恨,把光当作暗,一心要将爱他们的主置于死地。 However, their hearts hardened with envy, mistaking love for hatred, light for darkness, and resolved to bring about the d...
...不让神作王,也没有真实的悔改,继续顺从里面的惧怕、嫉妒、愤怒、仇恨,恶魔更大地来欺压他。Saul refused to let God reign and did not genuinely repent. He continued to follow his inner fears, jealousy, anger, and hatred, which allowed the evil spirit to oppres...
...话了。嘴里不说,心里仍然止不住地论断、苦毒、不服、嫉妒…经上说,心里充满的,嘴里就说出来。Some people say, "Then I won’t speak." However, even if the mouth does not speak, the heart can still be full of judgment, bitterness, dissatisfaction, an...
...re like You.主,在你的光中,我才看到自己的心满了争竞、嫉妒、苦毒、埋怨、自私、自爱、骄傲、自大、背逆、不信、惧怕、贪婪…Lord, in Your light, I see my own heart filled with strife, jealousy, bitterness, complaints, selfishness, self-love, pri...
...us to inherit the Kingdom of God together.我们不需要比较、争竞、嫉妒…只需要连与元首耶稣,各尽其职,搭配服侍,彼此相助,忠心完成神在各人身上的呼召,就能得着奖赏。We do not need to compare, compete, or be jealous... We only need to be c...
...羡慕无所得,很多时候我们选择了扫罗的路,体贴肉体,嫉妒比较,没有祝福人的心,受肉体想法的奴役,因惧怕就要控制结局,恨人杀人,We envy the growing power of David’s house, but the Bible says that the lazy envy what others have gained. M...
... God. 以扫罗为借鉴,不再重蹈覆辙,活在人前争竟比较,嫉妒是骨中的朽烂,惧怕人不惧怕神,让自己陷入死地。We should learn from Saul and not repeat the same mistakes. We often live for the approval of others, competing and comparing. Envy is the rottenness ...