... that he had not obeyed God’s command, but Saul claimed he had.又因嫉妒大卫,恨人杀人,活在天然人的惧怕、保全名誉、比较、嫉妒和人的面前,没有信心等候神。He was jealous of David, hated people, and killed them. He lived in the fear of natural man, con...
...卫。连扫罗也知道神与大卫同在。扫罗活在惧怕,恼恨,嫉妒中,却没有思想为什么神离开了自己。All the people and Saul's servants also saw God's mighty deeds and knew that God was with David, so they were pleased with David. Even Saul knew God was with David. Sau...
...s love, how can I count the wrongs of others?求你恒久忍耐的爱、不嫉妒、不轻易发怒的爱充满我,使我在生活中切实操练,用心和真实的行动去爱家人,爱肢体,爱众人…Please fill me with Your patient love, love that is not jealous and slow to anger,...
...d knew that David was destined to be the king of Israel. 他没有仇恨、嫉妒,反而看重大卫的性命,帮助大卫。Rather than harboring hatred or jealousy, Jonathan valued David's life and helped him. 大卫和约拿单一起祷告交托神,彼此信任,彼此立约,起誓。因...
...为我们而死,不是因我们的义。在我们顺从仇恨、贪婪、嫉妒、诡诈、作恶、背逆、不配的时候,耶稣用生命把我们赎买回来!The Lord died for us, not because of our righteousness. When we obeyed hatred, greed, jealousy, deceit, evil, rebellion, and unworth...
...稣肉身的弟兄,都不再怀疑,不再关注自己,不再争竞、嫉妒,The disciples, along with Jesus' earthly brothers, no longer doubted or focused on themselves, competed or envied. 而是完全地信靠顺服,同心合意地照着主的旨意恒切地祷告祈求。Instead,...