...mpletely redeemed us, granting eternal salvation to all who obey You.整本圣经都是为让世人信:耶稣就是基督,神的儿子,可以因祂的名得生命。The entire Bible testifies that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and through His name, we receive life. 主啊,感谢...
...ven us precious and great promises... What promises has God given us? 圣经上神赐了极多的应许。主所应许我们的是永生。这永生,不仅是重生得救,更有得胜的应许,就是成为神的儿子,与基督一同作王的应许。God has given us many promises in th...
...人祈祷所发的力量是大有功效的,就像以利亚,他是旧约圣经中被称为有信心的伟大先知。Jacob said that the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective, just like Elijah, the great prophet of faith in the Old Testament. 他为了唤醒以色列悔改归正...
...a true Jew?"不是那些外面做割礼的以色列人,不是头脑许多圣经知识,靠着外在做好,却还在求人的荣耀的人。It is not those Israelites who are circumcised on the outside, nor those who have an abundance of Bible knowledge in their heads, who rely on outward goodne...
...ng.示巴利用以色列人对犹大人的不满纵容他们反叛大卫,圣经里讲“恰巧”,其实都是上帝的安排,试验人心最深处的动机,看看哪些人是真正的跟随者,Sheba took advantage of the Israelites' dissatisfaction with the Judahites and led them ...
...ectly affects our outcomes.以太对王至死忠心,使他的名纪念在圣经上,得了神的称赞,被流传至今,鼓励更多人起来忠心跟随。Ittai was loyal to the king until his death, causing his name to be remembered in the Bible, praised by God, and passed down through gener...
熟读旧约圣经的祭司长和文士为什么跟世人一样,认不出主耶稣是神的儿子? Why did the chief priests and teachers of the law, who were familiar with the Old Testament, yet failed to recognize Jesus as the Son of God like everyone else? 人凭着自己的智慧都会把...
...能明白你的心意,生活恶性循环,无法感恩,也经历不到圣经上所应许的话。I only thought about my own concerns, had many troubles, could not understand Your will, and my life was in a vicious cycle. I could not be grateful, and could not experience the words promised in t...