...我们也活在疾病中,欠债,人际关系破裂,情绪受压制的咒诅之下,在人的眼中没有价值。在绝望之中,耶稣,万王之王,来寻找拯救我们。Lord, in the past, we too lived under curses of sickness, debt, broken relationships, and emotional oppression, wi...
... the Israelites were delivered into the hands of their enemies;我们落在咒诅中绝望时,when we found ourselves in despair under the curse,都感到被神弃绝了! we all felt forsaken by God!"那一刻,耶稣站在罪人的位置上,"At that moment, Jesus stood in the place of s...
...永永远远。世界上没有任何一个人或者制度可以解决罪和咒诅的问题。Yet God still allowed them to establish a king. God is in control of all things and rules over the entire earth. He deposes kings and establishes kings, and He reigns over the kingdoms of men forever and eve...
...tiality. 自亚当犯罪以后,人都落在灵里贫穷,与神隔绝的咒诅之下。Since Adam’s sin, humanity has fallen into spiritual poverty, under the curse of separation from God. 主耶稣原本富足,却为我们成为贫穷,担当我们的咒诅,为让我们在信上富足...
...亚当顺从怀疑、不信、背逆、贪婪,结果全人类落在死和咒诅中。神是公义的。Adam obeyed doubt, unbelief, rebellion, and greed, and as a result, all of humanity fell into death and curse. God is righteous.主,求你赦免我,体贴自己的意思,顺从罪,却期...