...扫罗因为不信神,惧怕人,失去了何等大的祝福。祝福与咒诅是何等的真实。As soon as the sacrifice was finished, Samuel arrived and pointed out that Saul had acted foolishly. Saul lost such a great blessing because he did not trust in God and was afraid of men. Blessings ...
...、争竞、贪财…使我与你隔绝,成为罪的奴仆,落在咒诅之下,没有福乐来到。The wages of sin is death. When I yield to bitterness, self-pity, jealousy, strife, and greed, I am separated from You and become a servant of sin, dwelling under the curse with no blessing ...
...y Spirit.他的名超乎万民之上,胜过了一切的死亡、疾病、咒诅、阴间的权势,使在咒诅之下的人因着信而悔改有活泼的盼望。His name is above all nations, surpassing all powers of death, disease, curses, and the realm of the underworld, bringing lively hope t...