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...倚靠神的榜样,也教导和带领神子民单拜独一真神,脱离咒诅进入祝福。Samuel became an example of one who served God wholeheartedly and relied solely on Him. He taught and led God's people to worship the one true God, delivering them from curses and bringing them into bless...
发表于 2024-07-04 21:34:33

自亚当夏娃犯罪以来,人、地和其上一切都遭了咒诅,都将进入死亡和变旧灭亡。Since the fall of Adam and Eve, mankind, the earth, and everything on it have been under a curse, destined for death and decay. 我们信主,虽有圣灵内住,仍被放在世上,这是...
发表于 2025-02-14 18:42:11
