罪的工价乃是死,至高的主为全人类的罪担当了咒诅,使我们被接纳被祝福,The wages of sin is death. The Most High Lord bore the curse for the sins of all humankind, so that we could be accepted and blessed.祂甘心乐意的被挂在木头上,担当了我们罪的刑...
...ering the great things He has done for us. 何等感恩,本是落在咒诅之下的人,却被主救回,用祂的生命把我们带入祝福当中。What gratitude we should have! Although we were under a curse, the Lord saved us, bringing us into blessings through His life.主啊,我们...
...od detests. 种什么就收什么,骄傲的结局就是处处受阻,在咒诅中徘徊,受尽苦痛,因神阻挡骄傲的人。 You will reap what you sow. The result of pride is to be hindered at every turn, wandering under curses, and suffering much, as God opposes the proud. 耶和...
...多次警戒,做祭司的父亲和儿子,都没有真实悔改。最终咒诅临到。God sent prophets to warn many times, but neither the priest father nor his sons truly repented. Eventually, the curse came.人种的是什么,收的也是什么。Whatever a man sows, that will he also reap....
...s of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. 却落在咒诅之下,没有平安喜乐满足…I have fallen under the curse and have found no peace, joy, or satisfaction. 主,这一生,你救赎我,我是属你的,求你掌管我,思想自己和众人的结...
...依然逞着自己顽梗背逆不信的恶心,与你为仇,结果落在咒诅之中。Lord, please forgive me for my blindness and ignorance. How many times have I experienced the salvation of Your love, yet I still indulge in my stubborn, rebellious, and unbelieving heart, becoming hostile towa...
...sp;因祂受鞭伤我们得医治,因祂受刑罚我们得平安,祂受咒诅我们得祝福。Because He was wounded, we are healed. Because He was punished, we have peace. Because He was cursed, we are blessed. 仅此一生,我奉献给你,惟愿为你发光,直到你荣耀国度降...
...,他受鞭伤使我们得医治,他受刑罚使我们得平安,他受咒诅我们得祝福。You bore our sins and carried our pains. Lord, how precious this salvation is. You gave us Your most treasured Son. He was beaten so we could be healed, punished so we could have peace, and cursed so w...
...看自己的性命为宝贵,完全倾倒一切把福音传开了,使在咒诅之下的人可以听到这恩惠的福音,脱离黑暗,进入光明。They did not consider their own lives precious, nor did they hold their lives dear. Instead, they poured out everything to spread the gospel so ...
...,我就是这么的破败!你允许我为罪受苦,让我知道罪的咒诅是何等大,何等深远,为的是让我敬畏你,恨恶罪恶,与你同钉十字架!Lord, how many times have I failed to accept myself and questioned why I have sinned again? From David's experience, I can ...