...此之深,用自己的血为我们担当了罪的刑罚,使我们脱离咒诅进入祝福。You said that If we confess our sins, You are faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Your love is so profound that You bore the punishme...
...你却甘心舍命,一次又一次拯救,你不愿我死在过犯中遭咒诅。My sin is so great, yet You willingly gave Your life and saved me again and again, unwilling for me to die in transgressions under a curse. 求你赦免我,专注做事,不顾内心,放纵了肉体的私欲,...
...to gain… 天父爱我们,不愿看到我们落在罪和死的咒诅中,祂舍了独生的儿子,祂用生命救赎了我们。神的计划从未改变。Our Heavenly Father loves us and does not want to see us fall under the curse of sin and death. He gave up His only begotten Son ...
...纳、忍耐、爱、医治,当我们背起自己的十字架的时候,咒诅就成为祝福了。God gives us the test of rejection to promote our spiritual growth and teach us His humility, forgiveness, mercy, acceptance, patience, love, and healing. When we carry our own cross, the curse...
...价把神的百姓从罪恶中拯救出来,我们因此而得救,脱离咒诅进入祝福。You desire that all people be saved and none should perish. You spared no expense in saving Your people from sins. We are saved, have escaped the curse, and entered into blessing.因被恩感,...
...们的旧性情里,充满的是属世界,属情欲的罪恶、败坏、咒诅、死亡…神的性情里,是圣洁、公义、良善、慈爱、生命…因着耶稣的舍命,Lord, our old nature is filled with worldly and lustful sins, corruption, curses, and death... but God&rsqu...
...rophesy, see visions, and dream dreams. 我是何等有福,本是在咒诅之下毫无盼望,何等恩典,蒙你拣选,与你的圣灵有份,借着异梦异象纠正提醒,领我归正。How blessed am I, once under a curse with no hope, to now be chosen by Your grace and to have a ...
...ip;给了仇敌入侵的机会,使我和身边的人落在各种可怕的咒诅中,被欺压和杀害…Lord, please forgive me for believing lies, blaming others, and complaining against You. These actions have given the enemy an opportunity to invade, causing thosearound me and myself to ...