...this precious salvation. 主啊,你被弃绝,我被接纳,你被咒诅,我得祝福。Lord, you were rejected, but I am accepted; you were cursed, but I am blessed. 主耶稣为拯救罪人,亲自道成了肉身降生为人子,Lord Jesus, to save sinners, personally became flesh and...
...blessed by God and become a blessing to their time.不敬畏神的,必遭咒诅,与神隔绝,陷于自己和自己的家不义,与神的应许无份。Those who do not fear God are cursed, separated from Him, and their families fall into unrighteousness, having no share in God’s promis...
...敌的时候,你仍然预备极大的救恩救我们脱离一切的罪、咒诅、死亡。You manifest Your love in our wounds. When we choose to be Your enemies, You still prepare great salvation to rescue us from all sins, curses, and death.你来了,为要遵神的旨意而行,使我们有...
...把耶稣钉上了十字架,让自己和自己的家陷于不义,遭了咒诅。James warned believers: “If you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.” Envy rots the bones. It was envy that led people to na...
...的主,尊重神的,神必重看他;藐视神的,他必被轻视。咒诅和祝福两条路,两种截然不同的结局。God is a faithful and righteous Lord. Those who honour God will be honoured by God; those who despise God will be despised. Curse and blessing are two different paths, ...
...。我们顺从罪,就成为罪的奴仆,与神隔绝,落在死亡和咒诅之中。神却没有丢弃我们,差神子耶稣来寻找拯救我们。Sin fills our faces with shame, and nothing we have or do can cover the shame of sin. When we obey sin, we become slaves to sin, separated from ...
...sp; 主啊,谢谢你不救自己,为救我脱离罪恶、死亡和咒诅;Lord, thank You for not saving Yourself, but saving me from sin, death, and curse; 何等的恩典,我被你救回,何等感恩,使我遇见你!What grace it is that I am saved by You. How grateful I am to me...
...,撒但常常会来试探我们的私欲,引诱人犯罪,使人落在咒诅之下。Yet, when trials come, Satan often tempts our desires, leading people to sin and fall under a curse. 信主后,我们仍然带着过去所形成的坚固营垒,习惯性地顺从旧的思想观念去...
...什么还指责我刚硬呢?我能有什么办法?为什么我这么遭咒诅?为什么我有这样的家庭?难道我比别人的罪更大吗?God made me like this, why does He accuse me of being hard? What can I do? Why am I cursed like this? Why do I have such a family? Am I more sinful...
...得着回应时,抱怨神,不信,急躁,自己行动,结果落在咒诅和网罗中。When my prayers are not answered, I complain about You, do not believe, am impatient, and act on my own, ending up falling into curses and snares. 我当求圣灵光照,是否有什么罪拦阻了你的...