...ntrolled by him and used for his purposes.牠来就是偷窃杀害毁坏,迷惑人与神为仇,引诱人犯罪。He comes to steal, kill, and destroy, deceiving humanity into enmity with God and tempting them to sin.当耶稣被圣灵充满,被神引到旷野,四十天受魔鬼的试探,Je...
...rit. However, a terrifying event occurred.有一对夫妻信徒,因贪欲迷惑,被撒旦充满了心,故意犯罪,欺哄圣灵,立时遭到神烈火般的审判,被击杀在众人面前…There was a couple of believers who, deceived by greed and filled with Satan in their hearts, ...
...把多少世界的谎言和价值观放到我们心里,让我们天天受迷惑被牵引,把我们引到自以为正,却是死路上。Lord, I pray that You enlighten my heart, how much of the world's lies and values Satan has planted in our hearts using the tree of knowledge of good and evil,...
...随的路上,充满了仇敌的陷阱,撒但的试探,各种私欲的迷惑。It is easy to obeyGod's command once by faith, but it is not easy to remain true to the faith because this path of following is filled with the enemies’ traps, Satan's temptations, and the enticements of variou...
...话是那么的斩钉截铁,一定要…世上有太多的试探、迷惑,稍不警醒就中了魔鬼的圈套。James' words are so decisive, and we must… There are too many temptations and deceptions in the world. If we are not alert, we will fall into the devil's trap. 神的...
...候我们像暗嫩一样,心中没有真理,没有爱的根基,被罪迷惑,心地刚硬,放纵私欲,牺牲别人来成就自己,自取其辱。How many times have we been like Amnon, with no truth in our hearts, no foundation of love, deceived by sin, hardened in heart, indulging in ...