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...基督的顺从却付出极大的代价。祂虽然为儿子,还是因所的苦难学了顺从。Adam disobeyed God's command, and sin and death came to everyone. Christ's obedience paid a great price. Although He was a Son, He learned obedience through the suffering He endured. “我...
发表于 2025-01-22 23:59:12

...in rebellion according to my own desires…主啊,我为自己的罪咒诅,本是该得的,你却甘愿为我舍命,还把你的生命赐给我,使我可以回转到父面前。Lord, I deserve the curse for my sins, but You willingly laid down Your life for me and gave me Your life...
发表于 2024-05-03 19:53:03

...就,为传扬福音完全倾倒自己,把自己所看见所听见所领的,一点都不避讳传给神所爱的百姓,并以神的慈悲劝神的百姓,要将身体献上当作活祭,这是神所喜悦的。Bearing witness for the Lord, he disregarded his own life, seeking only to ful...
发表于 2024-06-20 22:33:28

主耶稣已经指示门徒,跟随耶稣的会为祂的名逼迫。当被拉去见官时,圣灵会赐当说的话。Jesus had instructed His disciples that those following Him would face persecution for His name's sake. When brought before authorities, the Holy Spirit would provide the words...
发表于 2024-05-19 19:25:50

...at evil and offend God because he feared God.约瑟因此被下到监里,冤屈,但神是公义的,神与约瑟同在,并把约瑟提起来,成为埃及地的宰相。Joseph was imprisoned and wronged, but God is righteous. God was with Joseph and lifted him up to become the Prime Minis...
发表于 2024-10-14 19:00:43

主耶稣在被卖时、审时、被鞭打羞辱时、被钉时、以及承任何痛苦时,都不曾喊叫;The Lord Jesus never cried out when He was betrayed, when He was tried, when He was beaten and mocked, or even when He was crucified. 但在此时,他却大声的喊着说:&ldquo...
发表于 2024-03-25 17:27:57

...的都是好的,那是从上帝而来的祝福。能与主耶稣基督同苦难是何等蒙上帝的眷顾,才能有这样的恩典进入神所预备的患难,这患难背后的爱之深,旨意之美好,They believe that everything that comes from God is good and is a blessing from God....
发表于 2025-01-20 23:50:29

发表于 2024-05-02 19:49:39

... all of this firsthand,遍地黑暗,the darkness covering the land,耶稣鞭打、戏弄、嘲讽、钉十架、Jesus enduring the scourging, mockery, ridicule, crucifixion,祂顺服至死的全部过程,and His obedience to death,与那些刑人的表现是何等的与众不同,all of w...
发表于 2024-03-27 19:06:07

...了天上的荣华,道成肉身降卑为人来到地上,为我们的罪鞭伤刑罚,Lord, Your love is so deep and wide. To save us, You left the glory of heaven. You became flesh, humbled Yourself as a man, and came to earth. You were whipped and punished for our sins. 最痛的时候...
发表于 2024-09-22 19:40:52
