...们显明。这爱不是隐瞒罪,不是纵容罪,是耶稣代替我们受死,将我们的罪归到他自己身上。God is love. While we were still sinners, Jesus laid down His life for us. The Lord’s love is revealed to us in this: His love does not hide or condone sin. Jesus died in ...
..., becoming flesh, and dying on the cross. 用舍命的行动,代替我们受刑罚,受鞭伤,使我们得赦免,得拯救。Through His sacrificial act, He bore our punishment, endured scourging on our behalf, and granted us forgiveness and salvation. 是这份爱感动了我,吸引了我...
...我,弃绝我,断乎不会去爱这样的人,因为要保护自己不受伤害。If I knew in advance that a person would hate me and reject me, I would never love such a person, because I would protect myself from being hurt.耶稣预先知道我们的本相,还是不后悔走下荣耀的...
...着从神来的启示:这次行船,不但货物和船,连性命都要受到损害。但是百夫长信从有航海经验的船主和掌船的,不信从“被囚”的保罗所说的。Paul sought God in all things and received revelations from Him: this voyage would result in the los...
...稣做我们的挽回祭,我们罪得赦免,被拯救。神不愿我们受审判,乃愿我们成为怜悯和爱的管道,得赏赐,得祝福。Yet, because of God’s infinite mercy, He sent Jesus to be our propitiation, so that our sins may be forgiven and we can be saved. God does no...