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...在我们里面,求你照着我们的信心和你的计划,赐给我们逼迫的环境,也训练我们的信心爱心在百般试炼中成长,无论散我到哪里,都能落到地里,死己…去做生命的种子,结出你生命的籽粒…Lord, the life of that grain of ...
发表于 2024-05-24 02:03:47

..., becoming flesh, and dying on the cross. 用舍命的行动,代替我们刑罚,鞭伤,使我们得赦免,得拯救。Through His sacrificial act, He bore our punishment, endured scourging on our behalf, and granted us forgiveness and salvation. 是这份爱感动了我,吸引了我...
发表于 2024-12-20 23:36:34

...着从神来的启示:这次行船,不但货物和船,连性命都要到损害。但是百夫长信从有航海经验的船主和掌船的,不信从“被囚”的保罗所说的。Paul sought God in all things and received revelations from Him: this voyage would result in the los...
发表于 2024-06-21 20:17:46

...稣做我们的挽回祭,我们罪得赦免,被拯救。神不愿我们审判,乃愿我们成为怜悯和爱的管道,得赏赐,得祝福。Yet, because of God’s infinite mercy, He sent Jesus to be our propitiation, so that our sins may be forgiven and we can be saved. God does no...
发表于 2024-11-18 18:27:54

...in rebellion according to my own desires…主啊,我为自己的罪咒诅,本是该得的,你却甘愿为我舍命,还把你的生命赐给我,使我可以回转到父面前。Lord, I deserve the curse for my sins, but You willingly laid down Your life for me and gave me Your life...
发表于 2024-05-03 19:53:03

...就,为传扬福音完全倾倒自己,把自己所看见所听见所领的,一点都不避讳传给神所爱的百姓,并以神的慈悲劝神的百姓,要将身体献上当作活祭,这是神所喜悦的。Bearing witness for the Lord, he disregarded his own life, seeking only to ful...
发表于 2024-06-20 22:33:28

主耶稣已经指示门徒,跟随耶稣的会为祂的名逼迫。当被拉去见官时,圣灵会赐当说的话。Jesus had instructed His disciples that those following Him would face persecution for His name's sake. When brought before authorities, the Holy Spirit would provide the words...
发表于 2024-05-19 19:25:50

...at evil and offend God because he feared God.约瑟因此被下到监里,冤屈,但神是公义的,神与约瑟同在,并把约瑟提起来,成为埃及地的宰相。Joseph was imprisoned and wronged, but God is righteous. God was with Joseph and lifted him up to become the Prime Minis...
发表于 2024-10-14 19:00:43

主耶稣在被卖时、审时、被鞭打羞辱时、被钉时、以及承任何痛苦时,都不曾喊叫;The Lord Jesus never cried out when He was betrayed, when He was tried, when He was beaten and mocked, or even when He was crucified. 但在此时,他却大声的喊着说:&ldquo...
发表于 2024-03-25 17:27:57

发表于 2024-05-02 19:49:39
