...有良善,在考试来临时,靠着圣灵的能力,让自己的私欲受苦,心受割礼,钉死自己,得着基督的心为心…Recognising that there is no goodness in oneself, when the test comes, through the power of the Holy Spirit, one allows selfish desires to suffer, ci...
耶稣被出卖,被交在人里,受许多的苦,受羞辱,受弃绝,且要被钉上十字架!Jesus was betrayed, handed over to men, endured much suffering, shame, rejection, and was crucified! 这也是耶稣三次所预言的。This was also foretold by Jesus three times.万王之王...
...等欣喜!跟随耶稣的路上,光明要除去我们的黑暗。凡事受了责备就被光显明。How joyful it is for those who were once in darkness to see the great light! On the journey of following Jesus, the light will dispel our darkness. Everything that is exposed is revealed by the l...
...彼得劝勉我们,神呼召我们的目的,原是要我们为行善而受苦,为着神的缘故学习顺服、谦卑、舍己,操练心默默无声,将伸冤的主权交给按公义审判人的主。Peter exhorts us that God’s purpose in calling us is for us to suffer for doing good...
...ling, our pride, our self-centredness...流血舍命,为我们的罪受鞭伤,受刑罚,受苦痛,祂是那样的甘心,没有一句怨言。主为我们舍命,我们就从此知道何为爱,我们也当为弟兄舍命。He was so willing and had no complaints. This is how we...
...he evil spirit to oppress him more. 要么放纵罪,被撒但踩在脚下受折磨,要么靠着圣灵,治死肉体的恶行,得着能力践踏蛇和蝎子。One can either indulge in sin and be tormented under Satan's feet or rely on the Holy Spirit, put to death the deeds of the flesh, and ...