自亚当夏娃犯罪,与神隔绝后,一切受造之物生存在世上,为的是什么呢?为的是等候得救。Since Adam and Eve sinned and were separated from God, what has all creation been living on earth for? To wait for salvation. 我们信而悔改,接受了圣灵,重生...
...safety of the people, who dare to stand up for God by faith.因信,四面受敌却不被困住,心里作难却不至失望,By faith, we are hard-pressed on every side but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair.耶和华使人得胜,因为践踏我们敌人的就是祂。主啊,求你来...
...g, wearing or not wearing, doing or not doing”— 凡事都不因受拦阻而发怒的自由,得入住在主里爱神、爱人的自由。a freedom where we are not angered by obstacles, and ultimately into the freedom of loving God and loving others while abiding in the Lord.主耶稣...