...和平,温良柔顺,满有怜悯,多结善果,没有偏见,没有假冒。并且使人和平的,是用和平所栽种的义果”。Jamessaid “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of allpure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good...
...效法跟随。主啊,我在这里,求圣灵帮助我,脱离外面的假冒,从里面丧掉自己的贪婪、自私、自爱、抱怨、委屈…Lord, Your servant has set an example for me in all things, so that I may follow in his footsteps. Lord, here I am. I ask for the Holy Spirit ...
...来洁净我们的心,时时审判自己,除去两样的砝码,脱离假冒为善,活出真实的信仰,从心里切实彼此相爱。To ensure that love never runs dry and becomes a living spring, we need to use the truth to purify our hearts every day, constantly examine ourselves, ...
...宝贵,不再依靠自己的能力,使我因信除去人前的虚荣、假冒、自欺,将这个旧人与你同钉十字架,让基督在我心中作王掌权,活出耶稣的荣美。Lord, may the Holy Spirit guide me, constantly reflecting on the preciousness of Your salvation, no longer r...