...ing...主啊,帮助我们遵行你的旨意,靠着祷告,胜过拒绝伤害,操练爱众人,爱仇敌,使万国万民归向你。Lord, help us to obey Your will, rely on prayer to overcome rejection and harm, practice loving everyone and loving enemies, and bring all nations and peoples ...
...跌倒,中了牠的诡计,看人看环境,讲对错理由,被拒绝伤害,苦毒不饶恕,自卑自怜,委屈都上来了…The enemy is also very diligent, wandering around looking for people to devour. As long as we don’t abide in the Lord and choose to love the world and ...
...的儿子耶稣,大有能力,却甘愿钉死自己,来救得罪祂、伤害祂、钉死祂的人。The Son of God, Jesus, has great power, yet He willingly allowed Himself to be crucified to save those who sinned against Him, harmed Him, and crucified Him. 谁才是公义慈爱的神?Wh...
...们都是罪人蒙恩,每个人都遭遇过拒绝,我们也曾拒绝和伤害过他人。We are all sinners who have received grace. Everyone has faced rejection. We have also rejected and hurt others.神赐下被人拒绝的考试,来提拔我们的属灵生命,学习祂的谦卑、饶恕...
...督来到神面前他都可以拯救到底,脱离自怜自爱,被拒绝伤害,不饶恕仇恨,We are no longer orphans; we have a Father. At any time, if we come before God through Jesus Christ, He can save us completely, delivering us from self-pity, self-love, rejection, hurt, unforgivenes...
...的法则。主啊,我也常讲对错,找理由:都是因为他或她伤害了我;因为环境太恶劣了;因为神也不说话…Saul's self-righteous reasons could not change God's law of doing things. Lord, I often talk about right and wrong, looking for excuses: it's all because ...