...I feel uneasy.”(I can bring specific struggles before You in faith.) 仇敌魔鬼就是要把为身体打算的辖制放进来,叫我在顺服神真理上不得自由。但我转向神,愿意放下自己,就得帮助。The enemy, the devil, seeks to enslave me with a mindset focused on b...
...羔羊的婚宴,时时否定自己的意思,操练忍耐,饶恕,爱仇敌,行出义来,用生命影响生命,扩展神国的领地。Your promises are trustworthy! Holy Spirit, help us continually look to Your promises, denying our own will, and cultivating patience, forgiveness, and l...
...心,带着神的使命争战,直到手臂疲乏,粘住刀把,不将仇敌灭绝总不归回,He remained loyal to the Lord until death, fighting for God's mission until his arms were weary and stuck to his sword. He would not return until he had defeated the enemy. 神因他的忠心、勇...
...密处,将我高举在盘石上。现在我得以昂首,高过四面的仇敌;我要在他的帐幕里欢然献祭,我要唱诗歌颂耶和华!” For He will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock. Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surro...
...不顺服圣灵——真理的声音行事,就多受苦楚,被仇敌欺压。When we obey the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit, we witness Your wonderful deeds. Many times, when we do not obey the voice of the Holy Spirit and the truth, we suffer greatly and are oppressed by the ene...
...怕,胆怯、退缩,凭了眼见,心就消化,失去了平安,让仇敌得胜;Lord, forgive my sin of unbelief. When faced with adversity, I resort to self-preservation, fear, timidity, and retreat. I rely on what I see, my heart melts, losing peace, and allowing the enemy to prevail.约...
...nd Hades.耶稣借着死,败坏掌死权的魔鬼,并升上高天掳掠仇敌,坐在父的右边,远超过天上地上,历史现在将来,一切在撒旦国度里执政掌权的。 By His death, Jesus broke the devil who held the power of death. He ascended on high, took many capti...
...。是的,阿们,当我求告当赞美的耶和华,神必要把我从仇敌手中救出来。Hallelujah, God is the one who breaks the chains of sinners, the God who grants peace and joy in trouble, and the God who conquers death to bring freedom. Yes, amen, God will deliver me from the hand o...
...外邦的神和亚斯她录,得罪耶和华,神的公义使他们倍受仇敌欺压。After twenty years, all the house of Israel lamented after the Lord. During these years, the Israelites had worshipped foreign gods and Ashtoreth, offending the Lord. God's righteousness allowed their enemies t...
...out what we do.耶稣已经为我们做了爱的榜样,爱了我们这些仇敌,祂打开宽恕的门,接纳饶恕我们。Jesus has set an example of love for us. He loved us, including our enemies, and He opened the door of forgiveness, accepting and forgiving us.我们说爱神而恨弟兄...