...的呼求!扫罗被交在他手中,他却信神的公义,去饶恕爱仇敌…God responded to his cries time and time again! When Saul was delivered into his hands, he trusted in God's righteousness and chose to forgive and love his enemies... 大卫被塑造成为神儿子的生命...
...g forever!…主啊,带领我们靠着你的名与罪恶争战,向仇敌夸胜……独有你的名配得被尊崇!Lord, lead us to wage war against sins by the power of Your name, triumphing over the enemy... Your name alone is worthy to be exalted!愿一切的荣耀、颂赞...
...,为我做了榜样,谦卑到底,不开口,把爱活在伤口,为仇敌舍命代求。My Lord bore the punishment I deserved out of love and set an example for me. He was humble to the end, silent, and living out His love through His wounds, interceding for His enemies.一粒死了麦子...
... died on the cross, and salvation was accomplished.但经上说,我们的仇敌魔鬼如同吼叫的狮子遍地游行寻找可吞吃的人,但神的儿子显现出来为要除灭魔鬼一切的作为。But the Bible says that our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looki...
... in the reality of this covenant.主啊,你的旨意无人能够拦阻,仇敌也不能拦阻,因你是得胜的君王。主啊,照你的旨意祈求,你必成就!Lord, no one can thwart Your will, not even the enemy, for You are the victorious King. When we pray according to Your will, Y...
...iculties are, but how great our God is.纵然危机四伏,几乎丧命,仇敌越是攻击,我们越是坚定的信靠,像大卫一样深信,只要有主在我们左右我们必不至害怕,Even when surrounded by danger and facing death, the more the enemy attacks, the more we will stead...
...d resist all temptations and evil, listening only to You.你既把我们从仇敌手中被救出来,将我们分别为圣,求你得着我们的心,谨守训诲,思想结局,每天用圣洁公义侍奉你,Since You have saved us from the hands of our enemies and set us apart as holy, we a...
...就是被诬陷逼迫,也要仰望十字架,竭力争战,饶恕,爱仇敌,为逼迫我们的祷告…治死里面一切的申辩,反抗,不服,悖逆的声音,直到内心默默无声…but in order to obey the authority established by the Father on earth, even if falsely...
...羔羊的婚宴,时时否定自己的意思,操练忍耐,饶恕,爱仇敌,行出义来,用生命影响生命,扩展神国的领地。Your promises are trustworthy! Holy Spirit, help us continually look to Your promises, denying our own will, and cultivating patience, forgiveness, and l...
...心,带着神的使命争战,直到手臂疲乏,粘住刀把,不将仇敌灭绝总不归回,He remained loyal to the Lord until death, fighting for God's mission until his arms were weary and stuck to his sword. He would not return until he had defeated the enemy. 神因他的忠心、勇...