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...鞭伤我们得医治,他受刑罚我们得平安,在最痛的时候为仇敌祈求:父啊,赦免他们,他们所行的他们不晓得。这份爱将冰冷的心融化,转道,不可徒受他的恩典。What a sacrificial love, saving sinners without saving Himself, becoming a...
发表于 2024-06-20 22:33:28

...行你的旨意,靠着祷告,胜过拒绝伤害,操练爱众人,爱仇敌,使万国万民归向你。Lord, help us to obey Your will, rely on prayer to overcome rejection and harm, practice loving everyone and loving enemies, and bring all nations and peoples to You. (付传道Pastor Fu)
发表于 2024-07-15 20:09:47

...以父的事为念,思念天上的事,成为懂你的人。我们既从仇敌手中被你救出来,愿意终身在你面前,坦然无惧地用圣洁、公义事奉你。We seek Your kingdom and righteousness, minding the things of the Father and setting our hearts on things above, becoming t...
发表于 2024-07-02 19:47:07

... was right in God's eyes, and pleased God.耶和华救大卫脱离一切的仇敌和扫罗的追杀,大卫发出极大的感恩颂赞,敬拜高举尊崇神的名,The Lord saved David from all his enemies and Saul's pursuit. David expressed great gratitude and praise, worshipped and exalted God...
发表于 2024-09-26 19:51:34

...ing on the cross.最痛的时候,At the most painful moment,为我这个仇敌祈求:He prayed for me, His enemy, saying, “父啊,赦免他们,他们所行的他们不晓得。”"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."主啊,你在我还在作罪人...
发表于 2024-03-27 19:06:07

...ldquo;我”、“我要”是属撒但的性情。舍己、爱仇敌是神儿子的性情。To exalt “I” and “I want” is a satanic disposition. To exalt "myself" and say "I want" is the nature of Satan. To sacrifice oneself and love one's enemies is the nature of...
发表于 2024-03-24 18:32:02

...“神真的这么说吗?没关系,神会赦免的…”仇敌的谎言。神的话安定在天,决不更改!我信!罪的工价就是死!罪的后果也是真实的。In the name of the Lord Jesus, I break every lie of the enemy: “Did God really say that? It does...
发表于 2024-11-11 18:55:20

...nd waiting for the Israelites to turn around.以色列人回转向神时,仇敌非利士人就来攻击。When the Israelites turned back to God, their enemies, the Philistines, attacked. 急难之中,以色列人很惧怕,只能求助神忠心的仆人,乞求撒母耳为他们不住地呼...
发表于 2024-07-05 21:14:35

...vity. 定意寻求你的旨意,顺服真理,恨恶罪恶,追赶我的仇敌,将世界的王从我里面赶出去,让基督在我心中作王掌权,彰显你的大能和荣耀。I am determined to seek Your will, obey the truth, hate sin, pursue my enemies, and cast out the prince of this...
发表于 2024-07-26 20:01:41

...辩,做出不信、负面的宣告,被自己嘴巴的话缠住,落在仇敌的欺压之中。Lord, please forgive me. How many times have I failed to guard my tongue or restrain my heart? I have followed my own eyes and ears in judging good and evil. I have constantly complained, judged, and a...
发表于 2024-11-20 19:01:23
