...son according to their righteousness and integrity.他信靠神,爱神爱仇敌,敬畏神,把爱活在伤口,凡事讨神的喜悦,以神的心为心,在患难中被训练成合神心意的人。He trusted God, loved God and his enemies, feared God, and sought to please Him in all things...
... went. 圣灵降临在他们身上他们必得着能力,胜过一切仇敌的能力,他们不畏惧生死,不以自己的性命为宝贵,When the Holy Spirit came upon them, they received power to overcome all their enemies' forces. They did not fear life or death, nor did they consider...
...呼求。在急难中,神救他脱离死亡,为他伸冤,使他胜过仇敌,使他被高举…大卫在患难中信靠神,更深经历神,认识神,更深得着神,也被神得着。When David prayed, God heard his cry. In times of crisis, God saved him from death, avenged him, ...
...你赦免我,多少次因着不信,看自己,就灰心,负面,被仇敌欺压,好像溺水的人,失去活着的指望,Lord, please forgive me. How many times have I become discouraged, negative, and oppressed by the enemy because of unbelief and focusing on myself? Like a drowning m...