...lcoming tests with faith, without doubt, complaint, or retreat.靠主刚强争战,夺回自己失丧的领地,让基督在我生命中掌权,也为身边被掳的家人、肢体争战,扩展神的国度。I will fight with the Lord's strength, reclaiming my lost territory, allowing Christ to...
属灵争战就是两国争战,神的国度和撒旦的国度。Spiritual warfare is a conflict between two kingdoms: the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan.约翰带领信徒明确自己的身份,我们知道我们是属神的,我们所思所想都是与神合一,思念的都是...
...雅各再次告诉我们,肉体、世界与魔鬼是我们一生要与之争战的仇敌。James reminds us
that the flesh, the world, and the devil are enemies we must contend with
throughout our lives.当我们体贴肉体,与世俗为友,与魔鬼为伍,就是与神为敌,认贼作丈...