... but once again sought God's direction.神是做新事的神,再次赐下争战的策略,让大卫转到敌人后头攻打他们。God is a God who does new things, and He once again gave David a strategy for battle, instructing him to circle around behind the enemy and attack them from the rear...
... harm.我的救主耶稣,为了救赎我们,付上了生命的代价,争战到死,却从死里复活!主啊,我要回转向你,依靠你的恩典和能力,我要起来争战,夺回失去的领地。My Savior Jesus paid the price of His life, fought to the death, yet rose from the d...
...cing the people of God to serve him.基列雅比人根本没有力量起来争战,甚至对亚扪人说:你与我们立约,我们就服事你。The people of Jabesh Gilead had no strength to fight back and even said to the Ammonites, “Make a treaty with us, and we will be subject to you....
...igns. And indeed, by faith, they saw the glory of God.空的监狱说明了争战的结果,迫害失败,教会得胜。The empty prison testified to the outcome of the struggle; persecution was defeated, and the church was victorious. 神从不误事,他在天上察看有寻求的没有...
...请我们进入神的国,训练我们成为王的样式,每天与罪恶争战到流血的地步,成为圣洁,使我们可以继续神的计划。Today, You invite us to enter the kingdom of God and train us to be like kings, fighting sin every day to the point of shedding blood, becoming hol...