...放在第一位,时时反省,认罪悔改,积极起来操练与罪恶争战到底,活出光明之子的实质回报主恩We are determined to place You first in all things, to reflect constantly, to confess and repent, and to actively fight against sin to the end. May we live as children of ...
... the flesh, and gain the power to trample on serpents and scorpions. 属灵争战是何等的真实和残酷。顺从谁,就做谁的奴仆。 Spiritual warfare is real and brutal. We are slaves of the one we obey. 生死祸福,在乎我选择信什么,顺从什么!Life and death, blessings ...
...美意,在一切所行的事上,认定你,寻求你,与做事的律争战,胜过惧怕,控制…By trusting in Your saving will, may I acknowledge and seek You in all that I do, battling against the law of works and overcoming fear and control. 使我因信你真道,被圣灵感...
...曾生气发怒。信主后,胜过怒气也是我们每一天要面对的争战。很多时候,我们未曾听完别人的话,已经大大发怒了,结果却发现是自己太着急,自己去判断,而显出愚昧。Everyone feels angry from time to time. After coming to faith in the Lor...
约翰不断地鼓励信徒,在两国争战之中,会经历火一样的试炼,会经历艰难、困苦、逼迫,但不要因着邪恶势力而消弱我们对神的信心。John constantly encourages believers that in the war between the two kingdoms, they will experience trials like fire, h...
...ore focused on temporary benefits here on earth? 进入属灵国度的争战,让神的名得大荣耀,神的子民在大试炼中需要何等坚定神的道,Entering the battle in the spiritual realm, let God's name be greatly honoured. In times of great testing, how essential it is for G...
...肢体得着神的启示,半夜起床,恳切祷告祈求,参与属灵争战,直到得着胜利和平安。The members who remained in their hometowns received God's revelation, got up in the middle of the night, prayed earnestly, and engaged in spiritual warfare until they achieved victory a...
...art with God's, loving his fellow countrymen more than himself.不靠自己争战,而是去求问耶和华,耶和华对他说,你可以去攻打非利士人,拯救基伊拉。He did not rely on his own strength in battle but sought the Lord’s guidance. The Lord told him to go and attac...
...领许多的儿子进到荣耀里去,我愿意在地上的日子与罪恶争战到底,保守自己的心,爱神不爱自己,Lord, Your will is to lead many of Your sons into glory. I am willing to fight against sin to the end during my time on earth, guard my heart, love God rather than myse...