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...所说,舌头在百体中最小,却能说大话。舌头是个罪恶的世界,能污秽全身…The world says, "Too many words lead to misfortune, and disaster comes from the mouth... As James said, the tongue is the smallest of all the body parts, but it can speak great words." The tong...
发表于 2024-11-20 19:01:23

...洁净我,更新我,不是改好,不是做好,而是弃绝一切从世界来的谎言,Holy Spirit, please enlighten me more deeply, cleanse me, and renew me. It is not to change for the better or to do better, but to abandon all lies from the world,不再信自己和自己的判断,丧...
发表于 2025-01-28 23:33:35

...择。The survival of our spiritual life hinges on our choices.若选择爱世界、爱自己、自保、向眼目的情欲,肉体的情欲妥协,满足自己的私欲,任意妄为,我行我素,这是一条宽路,却是引到灭亡的;If we choose to love the world, love ourselves, pro...
发表于 2024-10-22 16:15:57

...med by His character. 主啊,我们的旧性情里,充满的是属世界,属情欲的罪恶、败坏、咒诅、死亡…神的性情里,是圣洁、公义、良善、慈爱、生命…因着耶稣的舍命,Lord, our old nature is filled with worldly and lustful sins, corrup...
发表于 2024-10-30 18:53:06

...y Christ. 此刻想到我的救主,至高却降到最卑,被这个世界厌弃、逼迫、嘲讽……但祂却说我就是为这个时候来的。At this moment, I think of my Saviour, who was the highest but fell to the lowest, was despised, persecuted, and ridiculed by thi...
发表于 2025-02-25 18:45:33

...全地。祂废王立王,祂在人的国中掌权,直到永永远远。世界上没有任何一个人或者制度可以解决罪和咒诅的问题。Yet God still allowed them to establish a king. God is in control of all things and rules over the entire earth. He deposes kings and establishes k...
发表于 2024-07-08 19:42:58

...愿为你去,将自己身体献上当作活祭,专一侍奉你,好叫世界得知你的道路,万国得知你的救恩。Lord, here I am; please send me. I am willing to go for You, to offer my body as a living sacrifice, devoted solely to serving You,so that the world may know Your way...
发表于 2024-05-31 20:11:09

...,才发现考试中是坍塌的,原来信的是自己的眼见耳闻,世界的谎言…是不信神的。It is in these tests that I realize my faith crumbles; I was trusting in what I could see and hear, in the world’s lies… revealing my lack of trust in You.主,求你赦...
发表于 2024-10-04 19:03:09

...重你的话,心无异象,思念的都是地上的事,活在自己的世界里,没有目标,对神国的事情不感兴趣,也不思想人生的结局,Lord, please forgive us for being lukewarm, not valuing Your words, lacking vision, thinking about earthly things, living in our o...
发表于 2024-10-31 18:37:23

...所造的建筑物里,因为至高者并不住在人手所造的。因为世界万物所有的一切都是主手所造的。In Stephen's discourse, he expressed that God does not dwell in buildings made by human hands, for the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands.主说:天是...
发表于 2024-05-20 19:33:24
