...上代价,跪在你的应许上,为万国万民恒切祷告祈求,使世界得知你的道路,万国得知你的救恩,使万国万民都归神的国度!Awaken us, Lord, grant us Your heart, guide us to be about the Father's business, to pay the price, to kneel upon Your promises, and to...
...伯拉罕的信心,走出一切让肉体安逸舒适的环境,果断对世界的价值观说 不,对体贴肉体说 不,Lord, today Your call comes again to Your church, urging the people to follow Abraham's faith, to step out of all comfortable environments for the flesh, and resolutely say...
...ched with his own hands.神就是光,在他毫无罪恶!神就是光,世界在他里面毫无所有!这真光已经来到我们的生命中,照亮我们的一生。God is light, and in Him, there is no darkness at all! God is light, and in Him, there is no sin! God is light, and the world ...
...前亚当的悖逆,吃了禁果,使众人成为罪人,罪就进入了世界,结局就是灵性的死亡,与神隔绝;he different choices of the previous Adam and the last Adam led to different outcomes. The previous Adam’s disobedience in eating the forbidden fruit made everyone s...
...主的见证,背起自己的十字架,将基督的馨香之气传扬到世界各地。What grace, that those who now live should no longer live for themselves, but for the Lord who died and roseagain. We live to be witnesses for the Lord, taking up our own crosses a...
...不要想从祂那里得什么。一个人不能事奉两个主。人若爱世界,爱父的心就不在他里面了。怎样才能洁净我的心和手呢?Let not the double-minded expect to receive anything from Him. No one can serve two masters. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Fathe...
... great hope; their sins are forgiven, and the oppressed are set free.脱离世界的法则,进入属神的法则,因为进入神国是以信为本,不靠势力,不靠才能,乃是靠耶和华的灵方能成事。They escape the world's principles and enter God's principles, for entering th...
...寻求你的旨意,顺服真理,恨恶罪恶,追赶我的仇敌,将世界的王从我里面赶出去,让基督在我心中作王掌权,彰显你的大能和荣耀。I am determined to seek Your will, obey the truth, hate sin, pursue my enemies, and cast out the prince of this world from ...
...我宣告我相信!奉主的名弃绝一切的不信、怀疑和一切属世界的谎言的价值观,使我因信活出神的荣耀,见证福音的大能! Lord, I declare that I believe! In the name of the Lord, I renounce all unbelief, doubt, and the false values of the world, so that ...