...的争战,我们的一生就是一场战役。两国争战,看不见的世界掌管那看得见的世界,魔鬼遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人。彼得曾因惧怕三次不认主,经历仇敌魔鬼如何胜过他;We face spiritual warfare every day, and our lives are a battle. Two kin...
how can we claim to be faithful? 雅各再次告诉我们,肉体、世界与魔鬼是我们一生要与之争战的仇敌。James reminds us
that the flesh, the world, and the devil are enemies we must contend with
throughout our lives.当我们体贴肉体,与世俗为友,与魔鬼为...
...外别无拯救,神何等爱照着他形象所创造的人,在罪恶的世界里人无法自救,还要面对将来神公义的审判。Amen! The resurrected Lord becomes the source of all our salvation. Apart from Him, there is no other savior. Oh, how great is the love of God for the people c...
... still placed in this world by God’s design. 但我们不是跟随这世界虚空的律和肉体的律走,然后等死,乃是要靠圣灵脱离死和罪的律,得入“吃,不吃;玩,不玩;穿,不穿;做,不做”——However, we are not to follow the laws...
...羡慕无所得。真理教导我们,一个人不能侍奉两个主,爱世界爱父的心就不在我们里面了。Lord, we all desire this wonderful blessing, but lazy people cannot obtain it through envy. The truth teaches us that no one can serve two masters, for the love of the world and th...