...e must be an issue with my "faith." 我若信自己眼见耳闻的判断,不信属灵的真实,就不可能赶出自己和别人身上的鬼,就无法经历耶稣大能的医治和拯救…If I believe in my own judgment based on what I see and hear, rather than in the spiritual truth, I ...
当遇见海上的风暴,不信的人和信的人截然两种不同的表现。 When encountering a storm at sea, unbelievers and believers respond in completely different ways. 不信的人是消极负面,连求生的指望都绝了,因此他们没有心思吃饭。 Unbelievers a...
...力呢?Why do I feel so powerless today? 是我里面疑惑的心,有不信的恶心在里面拦阻做成神的工,因信自己总是被有限的理性束缚着,不亲眼目睹总是不信,甚至看见了神迹仍然不信 It is the doubting heart within me, the unbelief that obstructs the...
...withstand all the attacks of the devil. 求主赦免我们的小信和不信,不愿意把生命完全的交托给你,不信你的拯救,多少次拒绝你的陶造…Please forgive us for our lack of faith and unbelief, for our unwillingness to completely entrust our lives to You, fo...
...er.神不说话,扫罗知道有罪的拦阻,却没有认识到自己的不信、妄行,也没有真实悔改,God did not speak, and Saul was aware of the obstruction of sin, but he did not realise his unbelief and reckless behaviour, nor did he truly repent. 失去了与神建立亲密关系...
...ized Peter and John as followers of Jesus. 主啊,求你赦免我的不信或小信,经上明明的说你拣选的有智慧的不多,有能力的不多,有尊贵的也不多,是为彰显你的权能和荣耀,因神的国不是靠势力和才能。Lord, forgive my unbelief or weak fa...
...t seemed impossible. 只凭信心,坚定仰望神的应许,总没有因不信,心里起疑惑,反倒因信,心里得坚固,将荣耀归给神,且满心相信神所应许的必能作成。 He relied solely on faith, never wavering through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was s...
... Who is my Lord? Who should I obey? What would Jesus do? 从前不信耶稣的时候,我们是罪的奴仆。信了耶稣之后,神释放了我们,我们把自己献给神,甘心作神的仆人。然而我们里面还有一个旧人,旧人是卖给罪的。Before we believed in J...