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...求圣灵带领我一直地信靠顺服,奉主耶稣的名,斥责一切不信、怀疑、谎言的灵出去和离开…Lord, You are the author and finisher of our faith. May the Holy Spirit lead me continually to trust and obey. In the name of the Lord Jesus, I rebuke every spirit of unbel...
发表于 2024-05-01 19:17:09

...起各种考试,让我看到自己的内心不是基督,耶稣为我的不信、骄傲、自义、贪图人前虚浮的荣耀…而死,我的旧人才是该被钉死的,Lord, thank You for raising up various tests to show me that my heart is not yet like Christ's. Jesus died for my...
发表于 2025-01-14 23:42:31

...d around and crucified Him. 主啊,求你赦免我们愚昧的罪,不信惹事的根在乎你,不晓得每一分钟都是考试,在考试面前我选择爱神还是选择爱自己。Lord, please forgive our foolish sins. We do not believe that the root of our troubles lies in You. We fa...
发表于 2024-09-12 20:06:56

... manifesting a life that loved his enemy. 主耶稣,神的受膏者,被不信祂的罪人杀害,祂却替罪人祈求,为罪人而死,成就救赎的恩典。The Lord Jesus, the anointed of God, was killed by those who did not believe in Him, yet He prayed for the sinners and died for them...
发表于 2024-08-09 20:14:56

...、事、物…是我的面子、自尊、骄傲、虚荣,是我的不信、惧怕、操纵、控制,是我的旧人和旧人深信的谎言!主啊,求你赦免我,羞辱了你的名!这个旧人只配得与你同钉十字架。The "Goliath" I want to defeat today is not people or t...
发表于 2024-07-29 20:01:31

...his job, this person, this matter... be like this?"求主赦免我,因着不信有你的旨意,不懂仰望神,就自己判断好或不好,以至于我的心就被牵动,或抱怨,或不满,或发怒,被各样的罪捆绑。但如今,你告诉我:“万事都互相效力,...
发表于 2025-02-19 19:29:29

... fountain of healing, healing all kinds of lameness within people.因人的不信,偏行己路,把圣洁公义者弃绝并杀害了,他没有咒诅没有怨恨,在最痛的时候打开宽恕的门,把爱活到极处,用你宝贵的生命换回我们卑贱渺小的生命,饶恕接纳,...
发表于 2024-05-01 02:18:10

...境来临时,定意否定自己,顺服圣灵趁势而行,拆毁里面不信、怀疑、骄傲、自我中心…各样的坚固营垒。Lord, please renew me once again. After being greatly moved by the Holy Spirit, I am always ready to face the test. When challenges arise, I am determined...
发表于 2024-07-10 19:59:30

...es. 我们每天面临属灵争战,在两律的交战中,我们若不信是考试,到了环境去靠了肉体就被罪恶的权势给掳掠了,Every day, we face spiritual battles. In the struggle between the two laws, if we fail to recognise it as a test, we will be overtaken by the po...
发表于 2025-01-30 01:43:52

...ne.耶稣基督是磐石,祂是我们稳固的根基。因为以色列人不信基督,拒绝基督,不跟随基督,耶稣基督这块磐石就变成了跌人的磐石,他们就跌倒了。Jesus Christ is the rock, our solid foundation. But because the Israelites did not believe in Christ, ...
发表于 2025-03-04 19:07:01
