... us to cast all our worries on God because God cares for us. 忧虑是不信和骄傲的表现。当我们忧虑时,等于在宣告:我的神是死的,我的困难大过神,我要靠自己…Worry is a manifestation of unbelief and pride. When we worry, it is equivalent to declarin...
...,万物在你面前都无法隐藏,求主光照我们一切的伪善、不信、骄傲、贪婪,如今转道归正。O Lord who search people’s hearts, nothing is hidden from You. Shine Your light on all our hypocrisy, unbelief, pride, and greed. May we now turn and repent.复活的主...
...卫信靠你的公义慈爱,呼求你,弃绝一切的想象,惧怕,不信,遵行你的命令,活出爱的生命,使身边的人也看到你的荣耀大能,一同来敬拜尊崇你!Lord, help me to follow David’s example by trusting in Your righteousness and love amidst hardsh...
...me out of the pit of death. 主啊,求你赦免我,多少次因着不信,看自己,就灰心,负面,被仇敌欺压,好像溺水的人,失去活着的指望,Lord, please forgive me. How many times have I become discouraged, negative, and oppressed by the enemy because of unbel...
...耶稣被出卖,门徒都逃跑了。听说耶稣复活了,门徒仍是不信。When Jesus was betrayed, the disciples all fled. Even upon hearing of Jesus' resurrection, they still didn't believe it. 耶稣复活后,向门徒显现,将天国的事讲明。After Jesus rose, He appeared to th...
...d my people, to go to the land you will show me.我太多思虑、想法、不信,很多为什么?宁愿安于现状,享受罪中之乐,也不思想结局,虽然信了耶稣,却没有脱离家族的咒诅。I have so many worries, thoughts, and doubts. I often ask why, preferring to stay...