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...were in was full of demon worship, 因为他们所处的文化充满了对魔鬼的崇拜,like burning incense to idols everywhere, 比如到处向偶像烧香,gambling, 赌博,prostitution, etc. 卖淫等等。They were facing huge spiritual opposition from hell. 他们面临着来自地...
发表于 2023-07-31 00:28:37  

... the Cross and is a part of salvation. 耶稣死在十字架上使我们从魔鬼权下得释放,这是救恩的一部分。The original word “Sozo” (salvation) speaks of a quality of life原文“Sozo”(救恩)说的是一种生命质量,where there is nothing missing, no...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:59:02  

...胜John 约8:44 tells us, 约8:44告诉我们,that the devil is a liar, 魔鬼是说谎者,and he is the father of lies. 他是谎言之父。When you agree with lies, 当你接受谎言时,“where is God?神在哪里?……I’ve failed我失败了……I fai...
发表于 2024-04-14 23:45:03  

...与神的子民争战。Who is the dragon? 龙是谁?The devil, Satan. 魔鬼,撒但。He deceives the whole world (Re 12:9). 它是迷惑普天下的(启12:9)。The woman represents God’s people from the OT to the NT. 妇人预表从旧约到新约神的子民。In the past, 过去...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:12:32  

...l in the wilderness! 耶稣基督靠着神的话在旷野受试探并胜过魔鬼!“Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God!” 「人活着,不是单靠食物, 乃是靠 神口里所出的一切话。」(马太福音 4:4) With a wor...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:38:31  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:53%] [53%]2021-03-14 Live by Faith 凭信而活(3)
...父母不对,为什么还要我顺服他们?”The devil whispers, 魔鬼轻声说,“yes, they’re wrong! “就是,他们不对! Don’t obey them. 别听他们的。” But the truth teaches us to obey authority. 但真理教导我们:要顺服权柄。 God ...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:04:53  

...I break the agreement of fear with the demons我奉主耶稣的名破除与魔鬼的惧怕的约定,which caused me to control over my life, my money, my time as I wished, 这使我随自己的意思控制自己的生活、金钱和时间,rather than allowing You to lead me in spending the mone...
发表于 2023-04-23 22:53:53  

... of the flesh be linked to the work of demons? 属情欲的事怎么能和魔鬼的工作联系起来? What is this witchcraft 什么是邪(巫)术?or what is the nature of this witchcraft that makes God to identify it with fallen humanity或者说邪术的本质是什么、使神把它与...
发表于 2022-11-27 14:56:30  

... are no longer like dogs oppressed by demons!使我们不再像狗一样被魔鬼辖制! The woman’s faith remained strong through the testing of her faith! 迦南妇人的信心经过试炼仍然坚定!She wasn’t overwhelmed by feelings of rejection, anger, self-pity, or other...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:09  

...Spirit breaks down this demonic stronghold直到圣灵的能力打破这个魔鬼的营垒,and helps us build a new way of thinking which is in line with the truth. 帮助我们建立符合真理的新思维方式。Yes, the Twelve apostles are different, 这十二使徒是不同的,They had a ...
发表于 2023-09-24 21:51:40  
