The devil
exploits these desires, 魔鬼利用私欲试探我们, tempting and pulling us away
from God’s will. 牵引我们偏离神旨意。Like a fisherman with bait, 如同渔夫用鱼饵, he lures us from safety. 引诱我们离开安全的地方...
... deal with the enemy and set people free. 只有圣灵的大能才能胜过魔鬼,使人得自由。If the controlling power is working through the flesh,如果操纵的力量借着肉体在教会运作, the broken remain broken,伤心人还是伤心人, and the blind remain blind,瞎眼的还是...
...把我们带到黑暗中,使我们与祂的圣洁的同在隔离,这是魔鬼的诡计。Satan wants us to stop praising the Creator, so that we are filled
with bitterness and unforgiveness, un-thankfulness and unkindness, just as he
wants us to be. 撒旦想让我们停止赞美我们的造...