...生活工作跟我们起摩擦的人, 而是那引起人与人起摩擦的邪灵 。There is story in the
Bible, when Paul the apostle and his companion were on their way to somewhere,
a girl followed Paul and shouted: 圣经里有一个记载。当使徒保罗和同工去到一个地方,有一...
而另一些只听说过的人也害怕“邪灵”。In my ministry我的服事中,lots of Christians have told me the
same thing许多基督徒告诉我,“ooh, I’m so scared because a power oppressed me and I couldn’t
move last night, the...
... and lies behind them奉耶稣的名,我砍断所有坚固营垒背后的邪灵和谎言与我的连接,I break my agreement now我弃绝跟牠们所立的约,I command you now to leave me我现在命令你们离开我。I belong to Jesus我属于耶稣。Jesus is my King耶稣是我的王. Th...
...but with the spirit of shame. 你就不是与神合一,而是与羞耻的邪灵合一。Shame steals our identity 羞耻感偷窃我们的真实身份,and destroys our
health and our relationships. 毁坏我们的健康和人际关系。Shame causes you
to not value the difference God gives yo...
...折磨人的? Satan and his evil spirits. 是撒旦和属他的邪灵。Those who refuse to obey the King’s word and show
no mercy to their fellow servants那些不愿顺服神的话、不怜悯同伴的,are
put in spiritual jail to be tortured. 会被关进属灵监狱里...
...。I command every familiar spirit, 我奉耶稣的名,命令一切家族邪灵、demon, and evil presence assigned to destroy me to leave now in Jesus’
name! 恶魔和邪恶势力离开我! So break the power of every work of darkness, 求祢破除一切黑暗势力、 every stronghold, ...
...vil spirits will associate with
the strong government leader, 他身上有邪灵,他将与那强国的领袖勾结,and he will perform
great signs and wonders just like God, 他会如神那样行神迹奇事, to deceive God's people to follow the strong national
leader, 迷惑神子民去...
it is the Holy Spirit? 但怎样辨明是圣灵Or evil spirits还是邪灵? Because the bible teaches us因圣经还教导说, for Santa himself masquerades as an angel of light 连撒旦也装作光明的天使。2 Cor 11:14,林后11:14. We have God’s word to discern我们有...
...a prison. How would you
respond to that? 你能想象得到吗?你刚将邪灵从一个女孩身上赶出去,释放了这女孩;可女孩周围的人不但没有为你的作为欢呼,还同心合意把你下在监里。你会怎样反应呢?A good
thing turned into a bad thing, and even ...
...at it’s the manifestation
of demonic possession但我很肯定那是邪灵的彰显. While I was praying我正祷告着, a word,
“movies” was sent to my heart心里突然出现“电影”这两个字! And then, this verses然后,有句话 1 John 2:15-16(约一2:15-16...